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Kosovo Police arrest Zekerija Qazimi (Telegrafi)

Kosovo Police today arrested Zekerija Qazimi, imam of the El-Kuddus mosque in Gjilan/Gnjilane. Police also arrested another terrorist suspect, Lulzim Kabashi, from the village of Polac, Skenderaj municipality. Both persons are suspected of recruitment for terrorist activities, organization and participation in a terrorist group, and for inciting hatred, division and lack of national, racial, religious and ethnic tolerance.

Jahjaga praises police operation to arrest terrorist suspects (Koha)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga visited today the headquarters of Kosovo Police in Pristina and met with police general director Shpend Maxhuni and other senior police officials. “I came to visit the Police of the Republic of Kosovo today to offer them institutional support for the work and commitment of all men and women in this important security mechanism and at the same time our unreserved support to the institution that guarantees the security of all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.

Several imams under investigation over ISIS activities (Koha)

The office of the State Chief Prosecutor together with Kosovo Police gave a press conference today about the arrest of 40 persons suspected of participating in fighting in Syria and Iraq alongside terrorist organizations ISIS and Al-Nusra.

Prosecution and police representatives said the arrests were made after a two-year investigation. The police operation was carried out without any incident, except in two cases where family members of the suspects tried to prevent police from making the arrests. Most families however welcomed the police operation.

Police: We had no information about Dokufest. Suspects were arrested for their support to terrorist organizations! (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo Police spokesman Baki Kelani told Gazeta Blic that all persons arrested today are believed to have supported terrorist organizations. He said Kosovo Police had no reliable information that the suspects were planning to attack the cultural event “Dokufest” in Prizren. “We had no such details,” Kelani said. Gazeta Blic however quoted sources in Kosovo Police as saying that the suspects were planning to attack the event. One of the reasons for such an attack would be to attract international attention for their presence in Kosovo.

President Jahjaga hails police operation against terrorist suspects

Kosovo President, Atifete Jahjaga, welcomes today’s operation by security and judicial mechanisms of the Republic of Kosovo against persons suspected of terrorism and participating in the war in Syria and Iraq alongside terrorist organizations, as well as against activities of suspected locations related to inciting violent extremism and hatred.

Kosovo Police arrest 40 terrorist suspects (Infoglobi)

Kosovo Police launched a country-wide operation this morning to arrest people suspected of fighting in Syria and Iraq alongside terrorist organization such as ISIS and Al-Nusra. The police operation was launched to protect national security, the constitutional order, law and order and to respect the rights of all persons guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo. The Republic of Kosovo is a place known for religious tolerance and for respecting human rights regardless of race, religion or gender.

The houses of returnees in Ljevosa burglarized (RTK2)

Three houses of Serb returnees in the village Ljevoša near Pec have been burglarized previous night, told village representative Ranko Bakic. The owners of the houses are in Central Serbia, so it is not known whether the thieves took some of the things, said Bakic.

This is not the first time that houses of returnees are the target of the attack. Twenty days ago, in the same way was broken into 6 houses. The returnees see latest events as a message that they are not welcome, and that they irritate someone. This and the previous burglaries were reported to the Kosovo police.

The road in Brdjani unblocked (Blic)

The road in Brdjani in North Mitrovica was unblocked after an hour.

Deputy President of the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica North, Emir Azemi said that this morning the Albanians began to build in Brdjani. Soon, people who identified themselves as building inspectors appeared and requested them to stop the works, what caused revolt and blockade.

On the spot were present members of the Kosovo police, after which arrived KFOR and EULEX members.

 The blockade was finished without incidents.


Albanians blocked the road in Brdjani (RTS)

A small group of Albanians this morning blocked the road in Brdjani area, in northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. Albanians have blocked the road, which is leading towards the buildings in which Serbs live. In the same area the Serbs began construction of two residential buildings. Albanians request that construction of houses in this multi-ethnic settlement will be also allowed to them.