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Father Sava Janjic: Rule of law of highest importance for all in Kosovo (KoSSev, KIM Radio)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic thanked on Twitter USA Ambassador in Pristina Greg Delawie for his stance “that Decani road issue was closed in 2014,” and added the rule of law is of highest importance for all in Kosovo, KIM Radio reported.

The USA Ambassador wrote on Twitter “decision from 2014 was confirmed two weeks ago and that Kosovo law says road construction in front of the Decane Monastery is illegal.” Ambassador Delawie also called for respecting the law.

ACDC: Education, networking and greater visibility in media for improved position of women in politics (Kontakt plus radio)

In order to improve position of women in politics, education, organization and networking are needed, but also greater visibility in the media – these are conclusions from the conference held on Wednesday in Mitrovica North, organized by NGO Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC), Kontakt plus radio reported.

Kosovo – Indictment against inciting terrorist acts (KoSSev)

Kosovo Special Prosecution brought up indictment today against R.A arrested on the eve of Easter Holiday, under suspicion that he was calling for terrorist acts in Kosovo.

R.A is indicted under suspicion that on 14th April, using Facebook profile, Internet and You Tube profile “Nashhed” posted video recordings with the texts he wrote and recorded calling upon “Muslims in the name of Jihad” to commit terrorist attacks against Kosovo Government and foreign embassies in Kosovo.