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March against homophobia held in Pristina (Epoka e Re)

In Pristina on Sunday was held a symbolic march against homophobia, marking the International Day Against Homophobia, 17 May. The march was called by three organizations dealing with the protection of LGBT rights in Kosovo: The Center for Social Emancipation, Equality and Freedom Center and Center for Social Group Development. The event had the support of the American agency USAID, the Ministry of Culture and the Civil Right Defender. One of the participants of the march was also the American ambassador, Tracey Ann Jacobson.

Eleven houses for the returnees to be built in Istog (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Communities and Returns Minister, Dalibor Jevtic, visited two Serb families in the municipality of Istog/Istok.   The families have lived for the last ten year as tenants and containers. The Ministry has started the construction of new houses for these families.  Jevtic said that eleven houses for returnees have started to be constructed in Istog. Moreover, he said that since he took over the ministry, sixty families have accepted to return, and he expressed his hope that this positive process will continue.

Serbian women politicians refuse to take part in UN Women conference (Zeri)

Women politicians from Serbia refused to attend the Regional Women Conference organized by the UN Women, which was held on Wednesday in Mitrovica South. The refusal came after the organizer of the event organized the round-table to take place in Mitrovica South and not in Mitrovica North. Women parliamentarians from Serbia and Kosovo as well as representatives of northern municipalities were supposed to discuss the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, particularly the challenges that women from northern Kosovo face.

OSCE Mission in Kosovo supports dialogue between communities at the local level (KosovaPress)

The Municipalities of Ferizaj/Urosevac, Strpce/Shterpce and Klokot will sign a declaration for dialogue and cooperation between communities. The ceremony will be held in Ferizaj and supported by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo. The declaration is an expression of goodwill from the mayors to increase interaction and dialogue between the different communities residing in their municipalities through joint projects and activities.

EU countries offer study opportunities for students from Kosovo (RTKLive)

The Croatian and Finnish embassies in Kosovo, during am Education Fair held in Pristina on the occasion of Europe Day, offered different training programs for students from Kosovo.  The education fair, although open for only two hours, has managed to attract a lot of attention from students who think that studying abroad is the best option. Dafina Zherka, Information Officer at the EU Information Center, said that this exhibition aims to inform the Kosovo students to study abroad.

There is still political interference in the media in Kosovo (KosovaPress)

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Mission in Kosovo, on Monday organized a conference with media representatives to discuss the state of the media in Kosovo.  Participants of the conference considered that the lack of financial sustainability of the media outlets and lack of modern business management methods are the key factors with large impact on the media and their independence.

Caritas to support RAE communities (RTKLive)

The Swiss Caritas has signed a cooperation agreement with Caritas Kosovo, to support the integration strategy of the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities in Kosovo. The support is based on the beginning of a new phase of the project for the period 2015 – 2017.  "With this agreement we are entering a new phase of the project, which is the continuation of the commitment of Caritas Kosovo towards social inclusion of RAE communities, not only in Prizren, but including our commitment in Gjakova and Mitrovica.

Sheikha Fatima to sponsor UAE-funded children’s hospital in Kosovo (The National)

ABU DHABI // Kosovo has awarded Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak the Mother Teresa Humanitarian Medal in appreciation for her constant commitment to improving people’s living conditions across the world. Under the directives of Sheikha Fatima, chairwoman of the General Women’s union and widow of founding President Sheikh Zayed, a UAE-funded children’s hospital will be built in Pristina, capital of Kosovo.

Grants and support for agricultural development in Gjakova/Djakovica (RTKLive)

Kosovo’s Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Memli Krasniqi met on Thursday with the Mayor of Gjakova, Mimoza Kusari Lila. Krasniqi and Kusari Lila discussed the Program for Agriculture and Rural Development for 2015 and new schemes to support the municipalities throughout Kosovo. Minister Krasniqi announced that the number of applications for development projects in Gjakova/Djakovica region reaches 133 farmers.