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Next Assembly session on Monday (Kosova Press)

The Presidency of the Kosovo Assembly today decided that the next Assembly session to be held on Monday, 2 November. Assembly President Kadri Veseli called on the security authorities to provide security during the session and said that “the security authorities should be held accountable for any drugs, alcohol, teargas and eggs entering the Assembly building.”

Meeting of Assembly committee fails once again (Kosovapress)

The meeting of the Kosovo Assembly committee for reviewing candidates for members of the Constitutional Court has failed for the second time in a row due to the absence of quorum. The chairman of the commission, Assembly President Kadri Veseli, said that they only have one more day to select the candidates or risk having the process start all over again. Veseli also said that the meeting of the Assembly presidency will be held very soon to discuss the date of the new plenary session.

Opposition determined: We will not allow holding of the session (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s opposition parties stated that they do not intend to allow holding of the today’s Assembly session, called by the Assembly President Kadri Veseli, at 16:00 hours.

“It would not make sense to allow the works of the Assembly and normal functioning of the government, if the country is going towards ethnical division,” said Frasher Krasniqi, spokesperson of the Vetevendosje movement.

Delawie calls on opposition parties not to make problems tomorrow in the Assembly (Koha)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Greg Delwie, met today with Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli. After the meeting, Delawie called on the opposition parties not to make problems during the Assembly session tomorrow, and said that actions of violence in the Assembly are damaging the democracy in Kosovo. He gave his full support to Veseli to proceed with the Assembly session tomorrow.  "Violence in the Assembly is not the best thing for Kosovo.

Veseli: Political use of religion, a danger for heritage (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, stressed that the greatest danger for the cultural heritage is political use of religion.

“This is Serbia’s alternative,” wrote Veseli on his Facebook account, on the day when UNESCO’s Executive Council is expected to decide on the recommendation to accept Kosovo as a member of this organization.

Assembly Presidency meeting postponed for tomorrow (all media)

The Presidency of the Assembly postponed its meeting for tomorrow due to President Jahjaga’s invitation for the political leaders to meet today and try to find a solution to the current political crisis. Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said that the Presidency will meet tomorrow to specify the agenda and time for the next Assembly session, which according to him, will be scheduled for this week.

Veseli: Opposition is misusing the Assembly (media)

Kosovo Assembly President Kadri Veseli said in a press conference that opposition parties must reflect and return to the Assembly. He said that the Assembly would not be stopped by threats coming from the opposition or teargas canisters. Veseli argued that “the minority opposition was misusing the Assembly and that their arguments are ungrounded”. “The Assembly is the place to express disagreements and dissatisfaction in democratic fashion but not through violence. There is a democratically-elected parliamentarian majority and we will not give up on it.

Ambassador Reichell: Minority cannot violently impose will to majority (

The German Special Envoy for Western Balkans, Ambassador Ernst Reichell, stated that opposition is to be blamed for the created situation at the Assembly of Kosovo.

Ambassador Reichell was hosted today by the Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, to discuss the current situation at Kosovo Assembly.

Quint ambassadors: Opposition’s actions are unacceptable (Koha)

President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, met today with the Quint countries' ambassadors to discuss the recent events in the Assembly. The ambassadors expressed their concern over the situation created in the Assembly and the actions of the opposition parties, stressing that the acts that violate the principles and values ​​of democracy are unacceptable. According to them, such actions threaten to undermine Kosovo’s democratic efforts to move more quickly on its European path.