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West gives Vucic plan for Kosovo - "and if he refuses..." (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

The United States and Western countries have submitted a plan to solve the Kosovo problem to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, writes daily Blic.

The paper says that the plan is "better for Serbia than all of the previous ones, but still unacceptable to Vucic."

"The United States and Western countries have submitted their principles, but for us it is insufficiently good," an unnamed source "familiar with the details of the proposal" has been quoted as saying.

West preparing agreement: UN to Kosovo, EU to Serbia? (B92, Tanjug)

According to the media reports, referring to unnamed sources, political directors for the Western Balkans of five Western countries, met on consultations on the final phase of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, scheduled to take place in the coming months and be crowned by a final agreement between the parties, expected to result in a normalization of relations.

Analysts on Vucic’s visit to Moscow (TV N1)

Foreign policy commentator Bosko Jaksic and Chair of the Centre for Strategic Alternatives Aleksandar Mitic told TV N1 that Russia is in favour of maintaining “status quo” in Kosovo.

Both interlocutors agreed Kosovo would be a dominant topic in Vucic-Putin meeting in Moscow, but they disagreed when it comes to Serbia’s position related to Kosovo, TV N1 reported.

Serbia has received ultimatum on Kosovo - media reports (B92)

Serbia has received an ultimatum - "to recognize Kosovo in exchange for the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO)."

At least that's what the press is reporting this Thursday, Prva TV said.

According to the media, the Serbian president "received such an offer" from diplomats in Berlin, Paris, London, and Washington - while this has been "confirmed to him" these last days during the meetings in New York City.

Serbian FM - "They thought Balkan borders could be redrawn" (Tanjug, Sputnik, B92)

World power centers have overplayed their hand when they thought it was possible to redraw borders in the Balkans since it is not a part of the EU.

Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy Prime Minister Ivica Dacic said this in a statement for the Russian daily Izvestia, Sputnik and other Serbian media are reporting.

Dacic added that this behavior was "a shining example of double standards and hypocrisy of world politics".

"Anti-Russian hysteria in West; Serbia under huge pressure" (Tanjug, Beta, B92)

No decision has as yet been made on diplomatic immunity for the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center (RSHC) in Serbia's southern town of Nis.

Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said this in Moscow on Friday, and added that Serbia was under huge pressure over the issue but that it would decide in line with its own interests, Tanjug reported.

Stop Poking the Russian Bear (The National Interest)

Western intrusion into traditional Russian spheres of influence, areas under the sway of Moscow for three centuries or more, represents a highly provocative and destabilizing policy.

Note: this article is part of a symposium on U.S.-Russia relations included in the September/October 2017 issue of the National Interest.

Margarita Simonan – Yesterday Kosovo, today China and Russia (Sputnjik)

The media are able to change entire destinies of people, heads of states, sometimes borders, and Kosovo is the best example of it. Secession would not have been possible without tendentious articles from all the world media about the conflict in Yugoslavia, stated Editor-in-Chief of Sputnik daily and TV Russia Today, Margarita Simonan, Belgrade-based Sputnjik daily reported.

She made these remarks addressing Russian and Chinese Presidents, as well as members of their delegations.