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A French journalist who wrote about the Kosovo Serbs has a message for those whom did not like it (Kontakt plus radio, B92)

Kontakt plus radio reported that Jean-Christophe Buisson, the Le figaro Deputy Editor-in-Chief, author of the report on the Kosovo Serbs, made on ten pages under the title "Serbian spirit of resistance", was a target of criticism.

The founder of Solidarity for Kosovo, Arnaud Gouillon, recently said, the both encountered threats and condemnations of "pro-Albanian French journalists", reports Kontakt plus radio.

UNS and UNS in Kosovo: Revoke the Draft Law on Kosovo public service (Serbian media in Kosovo)

The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) and the UNS in Kosovo are demanding that the Draft Law on Kosovo Public Service be withdrawn from the procedure, as it foresees the abolition of guaranteed funding for the Second Channel of Radio Television of Kosovo (RTK2 - the Serbian language channel), reported Serbian media in Kosovo.

Female journalists present a joint declaration in Pristina (KoSSev, KIM radio)

If the Pristina media, while reporting on the north, are collectively accusing the Serbs of something, how can the Serbs in the north be interested in following their news? How can we expect the Kosovo Albanians to have a positive opinion on the dialogue with Serbia when the Serbian Prime Minister stated that Albanians came from the woods and that it is impossible to negotiate with them? If the media are unable to get rid of collective responsibility in their reporting, then we cannot expect any improvement in our relations.

“We agreed to pay 100 percent taxes, and then excuse was the address” (Tanjug, KIM Radio)

There are no daily Serbian newspapers in Kosovo today either, Tanjug news agency reports.

Zvezdan Mihajlovic from “KIM Beokolp” company, responsible for distribution of the Serbian newspapers in Kosovo, told Tanjug news agency that Kosovo customs officials did not allow transport of the newspapers through Jarinje crossing point, due to allegedly irregular documentation.

Balkan Countries Most Vulnerable to 'Fake' News, Report (Balkan Insight)

The 2018 Media Literacy index of the Open Society Institute in Sofia says Balkan countries are the most susceptible in Europe to 'fake' news – owing to their highly controlled media, low educational levels and low levels of trust in society.

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Reporting on children improved but not sufficiently (RTK2)

The law obliges the media to respect the rights of children in their programs and to protect them from content that can harm their moral, intellectual and emotional development. The same obligations arise from the journalistic codes. Are the media in Kosovo adhering to these provisions or the rights of children are violated almost every day?

West preparing anti-Russia media offensive in Serbia – daily (B92, Vecernje Novosti)

America and its NATO allies are preparing for a fierce anti-Russian media offensive in our country, writes the Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti.

The paper said it learned that a portion of the USD 250 million that the US Congress has allocated to the Countering Russian Influence Fund for fiscal years 2017 and 2018, will soon arrive in Serbia.

Media association reacts to Kosovo PM’s ‘uneducated journalists’ gibe (Prishtina Insight)

Following PM Ramush Haradinaj’s remarks that many Kosovo journalists need to “go to school more,” the Kosovo Association of Journalists urges him to better cooperate with the media. The Kosovo Association of Journalists, AGK, expressed its disappointment with Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj’s statement about journalists being unschooled. Earlier, Haradinaj visited the Ministry of Infrastructure and its newly appointed Minister Pal Lekaj when he was asked about a report on TV21, which said that the U.S.