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Opposition disrupts Kosovo's Parliament session; wants Serbia, Montenegro deals canceled (AP)

Kosovo's opposition used tear gas and pepper spray inside Parliament and pelted police with rocks and pink paint outside the building Tuesday in another attempt to force the government to renounce recent deals with Serbia and Montenegro.

UN envoy urges Kosovo to establish war crimes court (AP)

The U.N. envoy for Kosovo urged the government on Tuesday to move swiftly to establish a court to investigate crimes committed by ethnic Albanian rebels during the country's 1998-99 war of independence from Serbia.

Farid Zarif told the U.N. Security Council that he underlined the expectations of the international community and possible victims of crimes "that there be no delays in the steps required from Kosovo toward the establishment of the court."


US official: Kosovo should try its own rebels (AP)

A senior U.S. official says Kosovo must set up a court to try former ethnic Albanian guerrillas for suspected organ-trafficking and the disappearance of hundreds of Serb captives if it wants to avoid Russia and Serbia dealing with the issue at the United Nations.

Stephen Rapp, U.S. Ambassador for War Crimes, made the comments in an interview with Koha Ditore daily on Tuesday. Rapp was in Kosovo to drum up support for the legislation that needs the backing of 81 out of 120 lawmakers, many of whom are former rebels.


Kosovo's joy now despair on anniversary of independence (AP)

by NEBI QENA, Associated Press - 17 February 2015

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Jubilant throngs gathered around gigantic letters spelling "NEWBORN," when Kosovo declared independence from Serbia seven years ago. Today, there's a new national symbol: The bus stop where hundreds of people gather every day to flee a country they've given up on.

Serbia tries to stop massive migrant exodus to EU (AP)

Serbian security forces stepped up patrols and deployed an elite unit Wednesday on its border with Hungary, trying to halt a torrent of migrants that has triggered alarm in many European Union countries. The last few months have seen a massive exodus of mostly Kosovo Albanians fleeing poverty and unemployment in search for a better life in the European Union.

Kosovo Police Use Tear Gas to Clear Anti-Gov't Protesters (AP)

PRISTINA, Kosovo — Jan 27, 2015, 8:31 AM ET
Associated Press

Police in Kosovo have fired volleys of tear gas at thousands of anti-government protesters demanding the resignation of a minister who had denied that war crimes were committed against ethnic Albanians during the 1998-99 war with Serbia.

The protesters pelted officers with rocks and other objects outside the government headquarters on Tuesday.
