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Russia to Pristina: Do not overestimate your powers (Tanjug, B92)

Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin's message to Pristina authorities on Friday was "not to overestimate their powers."

The diplomat took to Twitter to comment on Pristina's decision to raise taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) by 100 percent, to write:

"The story about Pristina's 'tax-sanctions 'on goods from Serbia and BiH confirm the words of Napoleon, which he repeated as he was retreating from Russia in 1812: 'It's just one step between the sublime and the ridiculous'. The point of the saying is: one should not overestimate one's powers."

Russia reacts to Pristina’s decision to increase taxes (Tanjug)

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted today on Pristina’s decision to increase taxes by 100 percent for the goods from central Serbia, Tanjug news agency reported.

The Ministry said, that the EU should influence the Kosovo authorities.

“It is about Pristina starting a trade war, in line with ethnic cleansing policy, given that the Serb population in the Province depends very much on goods from the central part of Serbia,” the Ministry said in a press statement.

"Worst situation in 10 years"; all Serbian services on alert (B92, Prva TV)

A stormy night has passed in Belgrade after Pristina decided to impose 100 percent taxes goods coming from central Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, B92 reports today.

The Council for National Security met, while before that, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic separately spoke with the ambassadors of Russia and China posted in Belgrade, and then with those from the EU and the US, and their "Quint" allies. Vucic specified that Serbia will not impose any counter-measures because, as a reliable partner, it does not wish to violate either EU's SAA or the regional free trade CEFTA deal.

Russians did not support us, Kosovo "up for vote" today (Tanjug, Prva TV, B92)

During this morning, voting will definitely take place on whether Kosovo will join Interpol. Serbia was outvoted 6-7 on Monday when the (executive committee) voted to include the item on the agenda.

The presiding at the Interpol rejected the request of Serbia and five other countries not to consider Pristina's bid.

China, Argentina, Cyprus, Spain, and Suriname stood with Serbia during the vote on that issue, while our traditional friends the Russians were not against Kosovo's demand.

Who is lobbying that Russians change stance on Kosovo? (BETA)

Analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic told BETA news agency Russia did not change its stance on Kosovo, although an image is being created that Moscow supports an idea on delineation.

“It absolutely has no connection with the official Russian politics, that remains unchanged and Russia does not support independence of Kosovo,” Milivojevic noted.

Chepurin for RTS: Russian stance on Kosovo very clear, we are against artificial deadlines (RTS)

Ambassador of Russia to Serbia, Alexander Chepurin told RTS the political cooperation between Serbia and Russia is on a high level without precedent, adding Russia advocates Kosovo issue to be resolved in a political manner within Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Commenting on Putin-Thaci meeting in Paris, Ambassador Chepurin noted that in such ceremonies as was the one taking place on November 11, there are dozens, hundreds of brief encounters. Putin is polite man. He greets hundreds of people he meets, exchanges few words with them.

Who was in Serbia's corner, and who wasn't, at UN Security Council session (Tanjug, B92)

During the debate on Kosovo at UN SC on Wednesday, the representative of Russia emphasized that he fully agreed with the assessments of Ivica Dacic, pointing out that there are serious and deep problems in Kosovo that require urgent resolution.

"The stories about some ideal situation in Kosovo do not impress us at all," the Russian representative said, adding that six years after the signing of the Brussels agreement, the Community of Serb Municipalities has not been formed, that Pristina blocked the process, while Belgrade fulfilled all its obligations.

Serbian President receives Russian Ambassador (Tanjug, RTS, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic believes Vladimir Putin's visit to Serbia will be the most fruitful to date in terms of the number and content of agreement which he will sign.

Vucic also thanked the Russian Federation and its president for the support they give to the territorial integrity of Serbia and its efforts to find a compromise solution for Kosovo and Metohija.