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"By all applicable international documents Kosovo is Serbia" (NSPM)

Russian Ambassador in Belgrade, Alexander Chepurin said today that Russia has a sturdy and reliable stance on not recognizing Kosovo, adding that it is a tradition that does not change.

"It is a sturdy and reliable attitude and we have proven it several times," said Chepurin on debate on 'From Kosovo to the Crimea: unilateralism and manipulation in connection with the right to self-determination ".

He added that Russia "here supports Serbs" and will continue to do so.

FM talks Dayton agreement, Russia, Kosovo (Tanjug)

BELGRADE -- Ivica Dačić has stressed there would be no revision of a peace deal that ended the Bosnian war "without the consent of all who participated in reaching it."

The Serbian foreign minister spoke on the 19th anniversary of the Dayton Accords that ended the 1992-95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

"We wish all the best to Bosnia-Herzegovina, we want stability, a European path of Bosnia and good ties with the Serb Republic, that is, the Serb people living in all of Bosnia-Herzegovina," he said on Friday.

United States "fully engaged" in Balkans (B92)

WASHINGTON -- U.S. State Department Office for South Central European Affairs Director Thomas Yazdgerdi says his country is "fully engaged in the Balkans."

This especially applies to "resolving the remaining key issues," he said.

Yazdgerdi, who was recently appointed to the job, told Voice of America that Washington supports the future of the entire region "in the framework of the Euro-Atlantic community."

Putin "recognized" Kosovo because of the Crimea (Blic)

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Crimea, part of Ukraine which is annexed to Russia, the same way as Kosovo, held a referendum and adopted the Declaration of Independence.

At a press conference in Moscow, he recalled the right of peoples to self-determination under the UN Charter. He said he is surprised because in the situation with the declaration of independence of Kosovo, "White was called white" and "in a similar situation with the Crimea - black."

Dacic: Partition of Kosovo is good solution! (Vecernje Novosti)

“I believe that partition of Kosovo would be one of the best solutions and that it would be in the interest of both, Serbs and Albanians. Such a deal, or a permanent solution of the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, could be achieved at an international conference under the auspices of the EU, but also the United States and Russia,” said Serbian FM and Deputy PM, Ivica Dacic, on the occasion of Andrey Sugurov’s statement.

Serbia could reconcile EU and Russia (Danas, B92)

 Serbia's OSCE chairmanship next year will be "a great opportunity to take on a role and mediate in negotiations in order to smooth EU-Russia relations."

 "Serbia must use the opportunity so that an easy solution is found, so that NATO would not have to become involved in it," the Belgrade-based daily Danas is quoting Dušan Siđanski, a special adviser to the president of the European Commission, who was in Serbia for the Belgrade Security Forum.

How long will last the formula "Both the EU and Russia"(Politika)

Serbian formula "Both the EU and Russia", by which Belgrade answered to the Ukrainian crisis, so far, has proved as a very good policy, but, according to analysts, it is unlikely that Serbia will be able to keep this position forever. One of the reasons for this opinion is that these days Brussels announced a new, third round of sanctions against Moscow. This means that the Ukrainian crisis enters a new phase, in which the dispute between Russia on one side and Brussels and Washington on the other will be more severe than so far.

Vucic: I respect foreigners, but they will not make decisions about Serbia (Vecernje Novosti)

“Serbia reaffirmed its independence and sovereignty in decision-making by implementing its serious and responsible policy, and our job is to persevere, because that is the best for our citizens. Therefore, we will not change our position towards Russia and I am confident that it will not jeopardize our European road,” said Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who in recent months was exposed to the pressures of some Western countries to join the sanctions against the Kremlin.

Whether our country can truly stand aside in the vortex of a new Cold War?

Aleksander Chepurin: Sanctions to Russia would harm Serbia! (Vecernje Novosti)

If Serbia would impose sanctions against Russia, it would “shot itself in the foot.” Such a decision could bring only "suicidal politician" because Serbia wouldn’t have any benefits from it, but only huge damage, says in an interview Aleksandar Chepurin, Russian Ambassador to Serbia.