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Annul the Agreement (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes in its editorial today that while still in opposition, the leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa pledged to reassess the entire process of Pristina-Belgrade dialogue once in power but when he actually got into office his words were taken away by the wind. In fact, Mustafa easily adapted to the situation prepared by his predecessor, Hashim Thaci.

Avoiding responsibility (Kosova Sot)

The paper in its front-page editorial today writes that taking responsibility to govern a country also means accountability to the relevant bodies and to the public. "Avoiding reporting on Brussels agreements showed political weakness by Prime Minister Isa Mustafa. Sooner or later, the negotiators of agreements with Serbia will have to give accountability to the Assembly. The Assembly has to set more rigorous rules, so that government officials are forced to report and be held accountable on any matter of importance to the citizens.”


The wild government (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily remarks today that the political debates between the government, opposition and voices of free people in Kosovo, have lately become harsher. As the doze of the criticism for flagrant failure of the two major coalition parties increases, the government officials become wilder. In the writer’s view, Kosovo’s leadership is aware of the bitter reality, but it is intentionally hiding it.

Pristina hosts meeting of regional working groups on displaced persons (Kosova Sot)

Special, sustainable measures for displaced persons from Kosovo were discussed at a meeting of the technical working groups in Pristina yesterday. The meeting, organised by the OSCE and supported by the UNHCR, brought together representatives from Pristina, Belgrade, Podgorica, and Skopje who spoke about issues relating to property rights, personal documents, security, and data management. The groups are expected to meet by the end of this month in Montenegro to further discuss measures to support sustainable return of displaced persons.

The failure delegation (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial writes that all the Western Balkans countries, except Kosovo, after the Vienna Summit have already started calculating on what they have benefited from this summit.  "The signing of agreements between Kosovo and Serbia, has enabled Serbia the opening of negotiations for the EU membership. While Kosovo apparently has not gained anything from the summit, except that it helped Serbia’s rapid integration in the EU," notes the paper.


The end of a marathon (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial writes that after a marathon of discussions and international pressure, Pristina and Belgrade have finally signed a historic agreement. "Each party attempted to look triumphant in this agreement, although apparently, both sides have made compromises. Kosovo side is satisfied that the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities will have no executive competences, while the Serbian side insists that this Association/Community will have lots of competences and will be financed by Serbia,” notes the editorial.

Transparency in dialogue (Kosova Sot)

The paper writes in its editorial today that it is unclear what agreement today’s meeting between Kosovo and Serbia prime ministers in Brussels will produce but one thing is certain and that is that there is no transparency from the Kosovo side about the dialogue. Kosovo officials continue to reiterate that they would not sign anything that damages Kosovo but according to the paper the reality is that they have done so until now.

Kosovo didn’t apply for membership in WHO (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo institutions until now have never raised the issue of Kosovo's membership in World Health Organization (WHO), Kosova Sot reports. Meanwhile, analysts say that if that would happen, Kosovo health system would have many benefits from the WHO. To be part of the WHO, the Kosovo institutions should apply and receive the necessary votes of the 194 member states. Time Kadriaj, members of the Committee on Health in the Kosovo Assembly said that this Committee will contribute with whatever it takes for Kosovo to be part of the WHO.
