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Raska-Prizren Eparchy condemns thefts in Velika Hoca (KoSSev, Radio kontakt plus)

Raska-Prizren Eparchy in the strongest terms condemned four thefts that occurred at the beginning of the week in the village of Velika Hoca, near Orahovac, Serbian media reported. The Eparchy also urged Kosovo police to protect the Serbs.

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic visited Velika Hoca village and spoke with Branko Cukaric, whose cow was stolen.

“Visoki Decani Monastery provided this cow to Branko, and we will try with our friends and benefactors to buy another cow to Branko, who has three sons (16, 15 and 3 years old),” Father Sava said.

Security Committee session scheduled because of thefts in Partes (Radio KIM)

Partes Mayor, Dragan Petkovic scheduled for tomorrow an urgent session of the Security Committee because of latest thefts that occurred in this municipality, KIM Radio reports.

Families Stankovic, Lazic and Vasic from the village were targets of thefts, that included stealing cattle, vehicle, hunting weapon, and pedigreed dogs.

The Radio noted, representatives of the OSCE Mission and Kosovo police are also invited to attend the session, while municipality announced they would find the way to support and help affected families.

Srpska Lista condemns wave of thefts affecting Serb community in Kosovo (BETA, Tanjug)

Srpska Lista condemned today the latest wave of thefts affecting Serb properties in Velika Hoca, Babin Most, Partes and Novo Brdo, as well as in other places in Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.

“These robberies and plundering most directly jeopardize survival of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and it is difficult to resist impression they are carried out with a plan to intimidate and expel the remaining Serbs,” Srpska Lista said in a press statement.

Cattle and vehicles stolen in Velika Hoca village (RTS)

Two cows, two calves and two vehicles were stolen last night in the village of Velika Hoca, near Orahovac, RTS reports.

One cow and a calf belonged to Jovan Matic, while second stolen calf belonged to Branko Cukaric.

A cow and a vehicle belonging to Stanoje Nicic were stolen, while a vehicle belonging to his cousin Sasko was stolen as well, however village inhabitants located it in the village this morning.

The thefts are reported to the police, and it has been conducting an investigation since this morning, RTS reported.

Babin Most: House of Vuckovic family robbed (KIM Radio)

At night between 22 and 23 September family house of Dejan Vuckovic in the village of Babin Most was burglarized, KIM Radio reports. Thieves stole around two thousand euros, golden jewelry and caused significant material damage.

The case is reported to the Kosovo police, and the police is conducting investigation. This is not the first case of burglaries and thefts in Oblic municipality, however the case disturbed inhabitants.

Partes targeted by thieves: Vehicle, cattle, dogs, tools, hunting weapon stolen (RTK 2, KoSSev)

In a series of thefts two nights ago, thieves have stolen from Serbs in the village of Partes, one vehicle, tools, hunting weapon, several cows, and two dogs, Serbian media reported. These cases disturbed the village inhabitants, who claim there is no one to protect them from frequent thefts.

At night between Friday and Saturday, thieves stole from Miodrag Stankovic a Golf vehicle, hunting weapon, tools and two Belgium Sheppard puppies. Although Miodrag’s mother slept next to the garage, that was broken into, and heard the noise, she did not realize what was happening.

Bosce village: Cows belonging to Serb families stolen (RTV Puls, KoSSev, RTK 2)

Unknown perpetrators stole last night two cows belonging to Sveta Stojanovic and Miodrag Stojkovic families in the village of Bosce, near Kamenica, Serbian media reported.

Thieves attempted to steal 5 more cows belonging to Ranko Stojanovic and Bojan Joksimovic but they failed, RTV Puls reported, adding these cows were found by village inhabitants, in the village area, blindfolded and tied, presumably to be transported later.

Gorazdevac: New cattle theft – six cows and calf stolen (KoSSev)

According to the Kosovo Ministry for Communities and Returns, last night six cows and a calf, belonging to Jugoslav Stevanovic from the village of Gorazdevac, were stolen, KoSSev portal reports.

Outgoing Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic said in a statement, that “last night theft in Gorazdevac is nothing else but pressure on Serbs to leave Kosovo. Those who carry out such misdeeds send a clear message they want ethnically cleaned Kosovo (…).”

Serbs from Zac: We are not scared, but we are concerned (RTK2, Radio kontkat plus)

A returnee Komatovic family with two underage children was the target of an armed attack in the village of Zac, in Istok municipality, RTK 2 reported.

Village representative, Nebojsa Drljevic told the media since their return to the village in 2010, returnees are being constantly targets of attacks.

Fifteen years since crime in Gorazdevac (RTS)

The fifteen anniversary of the crime in Gorazdevac would be marked today, RTS reports. A commemoration ceremony will be served in a Church of Holy Virgin in the village.

On this day, unknown attackers shot at a group of around 50 Serb children and youngsters on Bistrica River, killing 19-years old Ivan Jovovic and 12-years old Pantelija Dakic and wounding 4 children. No one was hold responsible for this crime.

RTS recalled the investigation was closed 4 years ago. EULEX back then claimed the investigation can be re-opened in new evidence or information surface.