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Pacolli: Haradinaj is stubborn, all the others would abolish tariffs on Serbian goods (KTV, B92, Beta)

Kosovo Foreign Affairs Minister Behgjet Pacolli said that any other politician elected for the new Prime Minister would abolish tariffs, except Ramush Haradinaj.

"I repeat, winner of the election, the future prime minister who says he will keep the tariffs, is lying. I exclude Haradinaj from this because I know him as stubborn and when he fixates on something, you cannot change a thing. He does not change his position easily," Pacolli told KTV, quotes Belgrade based agency Beta.

KoSSev: Last week: Desecrated cemetery; This week: “Kosovo is example of interfaith tolerance and coexistence“

“In terms of interfaith tolerance and coexistence, Kosovo sets an example in the region and beyond,“ Kosovo Foreign Minister, Behgjet Pacolli said at a ministerial conference on religious freedom held in Washington.

While Pacolli claims that the various religious communities in Kosovo “live together in harmony,“ the Kosovo Police still fail to find those responsible for the latest desecration of tombstones at the Lipljan Orthodox cemetery, KoSSev portal reports.

Bus owner refuted Pacolli, says there was no attack (RTS, Kallxo)

Director of company “Barileva Tourist” Naser Januzi denied allegations of the Kosovo Foreign Minister, Beghjet Pacolli who said bus transporting passengers from Kosovo was attacked in central Serbia on Sunday, RTS reported.

Pacolli wrote on Facebook the bus from Kosovo, was attacked “with solid objects” in Serbia, and that the EU, international community and institutions of law and order in Serbia should condemn the attack.

Januzi told portal Kallxo that the bus window was broken, unintentionally.

Dodik Says Kosovo Minister is Unwelcome in Bosnia (Balkan Insight)

The Bosnian Serb leader has condemned the visit this week to Bosnia of Behgjet Pacolli, Kosovo's Foreign Minister, for a regional cooperation meeting.

Bosnian Serb President Milorad Dodik has said the announced visit of Kosovo Foreign Minister Pacolli to Banja Luka – for Wednesday's gathering of foreign ministers of member states of the South East European Cooperation Process, SEECP – is not acceptable.

Pacolli: Division would not be good for Serbs in Kosovo (Danas, BETA, N1)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Beghjet Pacolli assessed that division or exchange of territories between Serbia and Kosovo would not acceptable for majority of Kosovo citizens, and would be detrimental to the interests of Serbs, in particular those living in central parts of Kosovo, Serbian media reported.

Pacolli told Belgade-based daily Danas that change of borders within Kosovo and Serbia “would open Pandora’s box and become a point of dispute in the entire region.”

"So they saw a Serbian gun - I see American guns everywhere" (Tanjug, B92)

Serbia is selling, not gifting arms, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday. Touring a bypass construction site near Belgrade, Vucic also stressed he was proud of the results achieved by the country's defense industry.

Serbia has a state-owned company, Jugoimport SDPR, he recalled, that should be profitable and sell weapons.

"Both Ugljanin and Pacolli are Serbian citizens" (BETA, Tanjug, B92)

It's very interesting how Sulejman Ugljanin turns toward Belgrade or Pristina - obviously depending on his financial needs, Ivica Dacic has said.

The Serbian foreign minister and first deputy prime minister in this way commented on the Bosniak National Council (BNV), headed by Ugljanin, inviting Behgjet Pacolli to visit Novi Pazar - and addressing him as "the foreign minister of the Republic of Kosovo."

Pristina official complains about Dacic "tripping him up" (Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli has complained about Ivica Dacic during a recent informal meeting of "the Western Balkans 6" held in Sarajevo.

According to Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti, Pacolli said that Serbian foreign minister was "always tripping him up."

"People from Kosovo are young, and cannot travel freely. Serbia makes problems every day. I travel and fight to get recognitions of Kosovo - and Ivica brings them down," Pacolli reportedly told his colleagues as Dacic left the room during a working lunch.

Dacic responds to Pacolli: Yes, we're offering a-bombs (BETA, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says Pristina officials must get used to the fact there are countries that think recognizing Kosovo is wrong, Serbian media reported.

He called on the authorities in Pristina, but also on all regional countries, to show restraint when it comes to those issues on which they disagree with Belgrade.