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The decision on cadastral lines between municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje not assessed by the competent Ministry (Kossev)

The Gracanica Municipal Assembly, by the decision of September 12th this year, decided to hand over two cadastral zones in the size of about 100 ha to the Kosovo Polje municipality, on the proposal of the Gracanica Mayor, Srdjan Popovic, reported portal Kossev.

Almost a month later, reports portal Kossev, on October 10, the Municipal Assembly of Kosovo Polje adopted a proposal to a decision on the mutual arrangement of cadastral lines between the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje.

SLS demands annulment of the decision on allocation of land to Kosovo Polje (KIM radio)

Members of the Independent Liberal Party (SLS) in the Gracanica Municipal Assembly demand the annulment of the recently adopted decision on the organization of cadastral lines between the municipalities of Gracanica and Kosovo Polje in the cadastral zones of the Preoce and Ugljare village, reports KIM radio.

Members of the SLS, however, voted against this decision, but it was adopted by the majority of the other members of the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica.

Why Gracanica gives away 100 hectares to Kosovo Polje? (Voice of America, KIM Radio)

Gracanica Municipal Assembly made decision few weeks ago on regulating cadastral zones between Gracanica and Kosovo Polje municipalities, Voice of America reported today. The decision proposes to merge a part of Serb-majority Gracanica municipality to the Albanian-majority Kosovo Polje.

The Voice of America noted it is not fully understandable based on what and why precisely the Municipal Assembly of Gracanica made such decision.

Gracanica Mayor: Inhabitants for “mini delineation” (Tanjug, B92)

Gracanica Municipal Assembly councillors voted for decision proposal to regulate cadastral lines between Gracanica and Kosovo Polje municipality, B92 reports.

Gracanica Mayor, Srdjan Popovic said they acted upon inhabitants’ request who addressed the municipality over easier administrative procedure and territorial proximity of the Kosovo Polje municipality.

The rational-minded Mayor of Gracanica: There are no Serbs in Pristina, Pec and Djakovica, journalists and civic activists deny (Kossev)

"Nope. Unfortunately, there are no Serbs in Pristina. Around 40,000 Serbs lived in Pristina, the same in Pec and Djakovica. However, Serbs no longer live there. And we have to think rationally at the present time, we have to help our people where they continue to live and, as the President himself had said, we will invest more in every Serbian municipality, in every family, in every Serb.

Series of robberies in Gracanica, increased police presence (RTS)

On Wednesday night 12 robberies occurred in the territory of Gracanica municipality, vehicles and a restaurant were broken into, as well as houses in several locations in the town, Mayor of Gracanica Municipality, Srdjan Popovic told RTS, also confirming that his vehicle was broken into.

Popovic in Suvi Dol: To increase police presence (KIM Radio)

Major of Gracanica municipality, Srdjan Popovic visited the partly damaged school in Suvi Dol village, following the incident there and spoke with a school headmaster Bratislav Djedovic, KIM Radio reported.

Popovic said citizens are very much concerned by this incident, but also by other acts of violence and attacks against Serbs across Kosovo.

He added, he has spoken with Gracanica police station commander about possibility to open three police sub-stations in Gracanica municipality.

Ban for the Football club Red Star to play in Gracanica; Mayor of Gracanica sent a protest letter to ambassadors (Kossev)

Kossev portal reports that Mayor of Gracanica Srdjan Popovic sent an open letter to the embassies in Pristina, the OSCE and UEFA after the Football Federation of Kosovo had banned Red Star to play a friendly charity match in Gracanica on Wednesday.

In a letter to the ambassadors, Popovic said that he voiced his protest and deep dissatisfaction over, as he stated, discrimination and a clearly politically motivated FFK decision, reports Kossev.

Gracanica: Decision to ban transformation of agricultural land into the building land (KIM radio)

Municipal Assembly of Gracanica, on the proposal of the Mayor Srdjan Popovic, issued a decision banning the change of land use from an agricultural into the building land outside permitted the construction zone, reports KIM radio.

This point of the agenda was explained by the Director of the Department for Urban Planning, Planning and Environmental Protection in the municipality of Gracanica, Dejan Jovanovic.