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Arifi with Hoxhaj on Dialogue (Danas, FoNet)

Mayor of Presevo Shqiprim Arifi met with the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Enver Hoxhaj in Pristina on the occasion of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, reports today news agency FoNet.

Hoxhaj yesterday informed the Presevo delegation led by Arifi about the meeting of the representatives of Kosovo with the High Representative for Security and Foreign Policy of the European Union Federica Mogherini and the expectations of Kosovo from the dialogue.

Drecun: We are not satisfied with the overall result of EULEX (RTS)

Chairman of the Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told RTS that if an agreement is reached with Pristina, which will regulate the final status of Kosovo, it will be necessary for Serbia's citizens to declare on it. He points out that EULEX ending its mission ''in the southern Serbian province on June 14, will further destabilize the Serb people''.

Djuric: We warned that Pristina is not interested in the ZSO (RTS, Tanjug)

President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbia all the time point out and warn that Pristina is not interested in technical or other negotiations, and that they are not interested in the signed agreement on the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), says the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric.

Arifi: Kurti’s statement on war, only urges MPs to vote demarcation (Indeksonline)

Avni Arifi, member of the Presidency of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) today reacted to the statement of Vetëvendosje MP, Albin Kurti, who said that the current demarcation deal might bring war in Kosovo.  Arifi said Kurti’s statement only urges the MPs to vote for the current demarcation agreement.  “Kurti's threat that voting demarcation agreement means war with Montenegro only urges the MPs to vote this agreement. How can it bring war if those elected by the people vote for it.