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Todic: The announced arrests will not frighten us (Srpski Telegraf)

“After the convincing triumph of Serbian List representatives in the elections, Pristina’s authorities will try to bring fear and insecurity among the Serbs in the southern province with additional pressures” said Zoran Todic, newly elected mayor of Leposavic told portal Srpski Telegraf.

He pointed out that Pristina was trying to break Serbian unity, and in recent months.

KFOR's exercise in Dragas; Serbian Tabloids: "Steel ring" in Kosovo (B92)

KFOR forces in Kosovo continued with the exercise cycle, and the media reported that the Pristina authorities activated the "Steel Ring" action.

KFOR forces are conducting an exercise in order to, as reported, be ready for quick operation throughout Kosovo, and to prevent any threats which may endanger that territory, reports portal B92.

Today's exercise is carried out in the south of Kosovo, where KFOR forces maintain the security of the environment.

Dacic: A plan to accuse Serbs for rape of 20,000 Albanian women (Telegraf, Blic, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Daci told portal that in Kosovo an action is being conducted aiming to accuse Serbs of allegedly rape of 20,000 Albanian women in Kosovo during 1998 and 1999, reports Serbian media, quoting the portal.