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“We don’t mind visa liberalisation for Kosovo, but we have one condition! (Indeksonline)

The Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo told the news website that one of the key conditions for visa liberalisation for Kosovo is the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. The office, which is led by Marko Djuric, said in a reply that European and U.S. officials have made it clear that the Association/Community is one of the key conditions.

Molliqaj: Protest will escalate only if provoked by police (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje’s organizational secretary, Dardan Molliqaj, said today he was confident that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will not be ratified by the Kosovo Assembly. “Peaceful protests will convince many members of parliament not to vote in favor of the demarcation. The protest will escalate only if there is provocation by the police,” Molliqaj said.

The sold and rotten souls should not dare sell Kosovo (Indeksonline)

The announced press conference by the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) has just started. NISMA leader Fatmir Limaj said that they are against the current version of demarcation. “The coalition could not reach consensus during the last ten months. AAK and NISMA appeal on the MPs to overcome party stereotypes, convictions and be at the level of their duty.” According to him, MPs should act tomorrow in accordance with their oath.

Selimi: We won’t “attack” border with Montenegro, we will bring down demarcation in Pristina (Botapress/Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi told Botapress today that the problem with the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro is in Pristina and that it needs to be resolved there. “This is the first time that I’m hearing about ideas to go to the border. The problem is here in Pristina and it needs to be resolved here. There may be protests all over Kosovo in the future.

Prosecution confirms police raids and arrests over bomb attack on Assembly (media)

Pristina-based news website Lajmi reports that six activists of the Vetevendosje Movement, have been arrested today over recent violent acts, such as the throwing bombs at the Kosovo Assembly and the Radio Television of Kosovo. Vetevendosje spokesman Frasher Krasniqi is also believed to be among those arrested. According to the news website, relatives of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri are also among those arrested. They were reportedly found with arms and ammunition.

Officials of the Socialist Party and those of Vetevendosje to protest today in front of the Kosovo Embassy in Tirana (Indeksonline)

Supporters and members of the Vetëvendosje movement together with officials of the Socialist Party in Albania, announced for today at 12:00 hours a protest against demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, in front of the Embassy of Kosovo in Tirana. The participants will be addressed by a delegation from Peja with representatives from Rugova villages at the border with Montenegro.

Brahimaj: Coalition does not have the votes, the session will be postponed (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Lahi Brahimaj, said that the 1 September Assembly session on the Agreement for the borderline between Kosovo and Montenegro, will be postponed for another date because the coalition government does not have sufficient number of votes.  He said that many MPs from the coalition government have already announced that they would not vote the current version of demarcation.

“Rugovasit” take over responsibility for the attack at Mentor Shala’s house (Indeksonline)

The so-called “Rugovasit” group has taken over responsibility for the hand grenade attack which occurred last night at 22:00  at the house of the Director of Kosovo’s Radio Television, Mentor Shala.

 They informed through a press release that the last night’s attack was only a warning and accused Shala for taking only the government’s side.

Berisha warns: Danger for Kosovo and the region if demarcation is ratified (Indeksonline)

Zafir Berisha, member of the Kosovo Parliament from the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told the news website that security in Kosovo and the region will be under threat if the current version of the demarcation deal with Montenegro is ratified by the Kosovo Parliament on September 1. Berisha said Albanians should not give away their lands to other countries., “If this version is ratified, there will be bad consequences for the country and the region ...