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Hyseni in the U.S., asks for Kosovo's membership in Interpol (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, is staying in Washington at the invitation of Secretary of State John Kerry, to attend the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism. During the sessions, Hyseni provided detailed information on Kosovo’s efforts to cope with the problem of violent extremism and terrorism.  Hyseni also had a special meeting with the Secretary General of Interpol, Jurgen Stuck, with whom he discussed the possibility of Kosovo's membership in Interpol.

Thaci: Soon good news on economic development and employment (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, had a meeting yesterday with Qatar’s ambassador to Kosovo, Yousif Hasan Yousif Alsae. Thaci said after the meeting that there will be good news for Kosovo. “We had very constructive talks about potential Qatar investments in Kosovo and I believe that in the coming months there will be good news on economic development, employment and investment cooperation,” said Thaci.

Hyseni: Visa liberalization for Kosovo would end irregular migration (Telegrafi)

Minister of Internal Affairs Skender Hyseni said in a meeting with EU ambassadors that visa liberalization for Kosovo would put under control and even end irregular migration. Invited by the head of EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, Minister Hyseni made a presentation regarding the recent irregular migration, violent extremism and also spoke about the recent protest in Pristina and the dismissal of the Minister of Communities and Returns, Aleksandar Jablanovic.

Kosova Women’s Network to join protest against Jablanovic (Telegrafi)

The Kosova Women’s Network (KWN) said today it supports the “Cries of Mothers” Association and that it will join the national protest on Saturday in front of the National Library in Pristina. “For 16 years now, the ‘Cries of Mothers’ Association has called for the fate of missing persons to be resolved. The hate speech used by Aleksandar Jablanovic and his position not to recognize the Republic of Kosovo as an independent state, has caused great concern with the KWN and all the people of Kosovo.

AAK start collecting MP signatures for Jablanovic’s dismissal (Telegrafi)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) today has started collecting signatures of members of Parliament to request the dismissal of Aleksandar Jablanovic, the Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns. Protests are being held in several Kosovo cities against Jablanovic who used the word beasts referring to protesters in Gjakova.

Security concerns for Thaci's visit to Montenegro (Indeksonline, Telegrafi)

Indeksonline sources confirmed that Montenegro’s intelligence services and security forces have been put on alert for the upcoming visit of Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci. Security intelligence agencies are reported to be concerned that Thaci may be the target of an assassination attempt by Serb nationalists. This has led to changes in Thaci’s agenda and an increase in security measures for the visit.

Cliff: Difficult topics await Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels (Telegrafi)

British Ambassador to Kosovo Ian Cliff said that establishment of association/community of Serb municipalities will be a difficult process. He announced that the issue will be discussed in the upcoming rounds of Pristina-Belgrade dialogue. Cliff made the comments in Prizren during a meeting with the head of Serbian Orthodox Church, Bishop Teodosije. Apart from the establishment of association/community of Serb municipalities, another issue that will not be easy, according to Cliff, involves the functioning of the courts in the north.

Mustafa: Neighbouring countries to also fight criminal groups (Telegrafi)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said at the meeting of the National Council on European Integration that the Kosovo government is committed in fighting criminal groups involved in illegal migration but at the same time, so should the neighbouring countries. He added that the government is doing everything to enable the people of Kosovo seasonal employment in European countries and create conditions for foreign investment.

Coordination of activities to maintain stability in Mitrovica (Telegrafi)

Security situation in the municipality of Mitrovica is stable and adequate measures need to be taken to maintain it and improve conditions for free movement of all people, especially during the Orthodox Christmas period, agreed in a meeting the Mitrovica deputy mayor, Safet Kamberi, and the commander of the police station in the southern part of the city, Ahmet Gjosha. The two officials also agreed on the need to step up security measures for visits that members of the Serb community will make to the southern part of the city during Orthodox Christmas.