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Kosovo flag removed from fortress in Novo Brdo (RTK2, B92)

Kosovo flag that was placed on the medieval Serbian fortress in Novo Brdo yesterday afternoon has been removed RTK2 reports.

“We went there this morning, we saw everything was removed as if nothing was there, there was no flag, nobody was there. We spoke about this case with the police officers as well,” Svetislav Ivanovic, the mayor of Novo Brdo told RTK2.

He also noted nobody informed the local authorities about placing of the flag and they learned about the case from the media.

Novosti: “Ramush fantasizes about squad of Serbs” (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti in an article published on Monday, refutes claims of the Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, who said that around 40 Serbs from Pomoravlje region applied to join the Kosovo army.

The daily further writes only two Serbs from the village of Gornje Kusce have applied. It also reported on a statement of Novo Brdo mayor Svetislav Ivanovic, who said that all Serb members of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) from the area have left the KSF last year, with exception of two or three officers.

Indictment raised against Novo Brdo mayor Svetislav Ivanovic (RTV KIM, KoSSev)

Serious crimes department of the Basic Prosecution in Gnjilane, following investigation, raised an indictment against Novo Brdo mayor Svetislav Ivanovic, over as they said, misuse of official authority, Radio KIM reports.

Svetislav Ivanovic told RTV KIM he does not know anything about the indictment, and that he went to the prosecutor’s office and gave a statement.