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Jevtic and Schlumberger: Concern over Islamic radicalism in Kosovo (TV Most)

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Return Dalibor Jevtic conveyed concerns to the Ambassador of the OSCE in Kosovo, Jean-Claude Schlumberger, over the recent incidents in returnee communities in Kosovo, especially those in Gorazdevac, Srbobran, Berkovo and the last one in the village of Donji Petric in Klina/Kline municipality. "If we want to move forward towards a better future and coexistence, we need to prevent incidents because only in this way Kosovo can be a safe place for all, regardless of any affiliation.

Robbery of a house in the village of Osojane near Istok/Istog (Kontakt plus radio)

House of a priest in the village of Osojane in Istok/Istog municipality in Kosovo was looted during the weekend.

Minister of Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic told Tanjug that this attack and robbery of the house in Osojane, returnees' village,  is worrying.

Stojanovic: Burnt returnee houses will be reconstructed (Blic)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic promised to the returnees in the village of Siga near Pec that Kosovo Government will rebuild two recently burnt houses. "We will rebuild the burned houses, by which will be sent a message to the perpetrators and to those who supposed to find the perpetrators, that rebuilding of the houses will be paid from the Kosovo budget," said Stojanovic, who with the Minister for the return Dalibor Jevtic and liaison officer between Belgrade and Pristina, Dejan Pavicevic visited returnees in Siga village.

Aid delivered to returnee farmers in Kosovo (RTK2)

Deputy Director of the Serbian government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dusan Kozarev presented on Wednesday in Gracanica, contracts for 50 aid packages to returnee farmers in the municipalities of Pec/Peja, Istok/Istog, Klina/Klline, Urosevac/Ferizaj and Gora.

The aid packages in the form of agricultural machinery, provided by the Office for KiM though public procurement totalling around RSD 10 million, is a co-funded project under IPA 2012, a broader project worth EUR 2.4 million.

Albanians attacked a Serb near Klina (Vesti)

In the village Grabac in Klina municipality was beaten Kosovo Serb Rados Magic, while trying to expel from his field livestock which belong to Albanians from the neighbouring villages.Magic suffered minor injuries of back and arms. He received medical assistance in the Pec/Peja hospital.Police detained the suspects, reported Radio Television of Kosovo in the Serbian language.The case was forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office and the competent police authorities have taken all necessary measures, said a police spokesman.

Homes of returnees burglarized in village Bica near Klina/Kline (KIM radio)

The unidentified perpetrators have broken into returnees' houses last night, two houses and a shelter for accommodation of returnees in Bica, near Klina, said member of the municipality of Klina/Kline, Stojan Doncic and BETA agency reported.

He said that in one nurse lives in a house, but that last night she slept in the house of his family, while the other house and home for temporary accommodation of returnees were empty at the time of burglary.