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Đurić: Do not invent new conditions for the formation of the ZSO (KIM Radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić calls on the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, not to invent new conditions for the formation of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities and stresses that he expects from the EU to put pressure on Pristina to implement the signed agreements.

Đurić: We seek conditions for a peaceful and safe life of Serbs (KIM radio, Dnevnik)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija says, in an interview with Dnevnik,  daily based in Novi Sad, that the goal of the Brussels-based dialogue is a new climate in the region.

This indicates that the Albanian side will no longer be able to push certain issues under the rug such as property.

Four Serbs in the working group for drafting the Statute of the ZSO (RTK2)

Ten days ago the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi announced in Vienna that soon will start formation of working groups that would work on the draft of the Statute of ZSO (Association/Community of Serb municipalities). However, there is no official confirmation in Pristina about what "soon" meant.

Pristina announces working group on ZSO - "without Belgrade" (B92, Tanjug)

Kosovo's authorities will in the next few days set up a working group to establish the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO).

That is what Kosovo President Hashim Thaci told Tanjug on Thursday.

Thaci could not specify who the members of the working group will be, but noted that there will be no representatives of Serbia.

He said that he respected Serbia's legitimate interest regarding its people who live in the territory of Kosovo, but that Kosovo was "an independent state."

What hinders the formation of Community/Association of Serb municipalities (RTS)

The formation of the Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) has not started, even nearly nine months after the agreement.  The elections and different interpretations of the Brussels agreement are the reasons for this delay. The international community, these days, intensively urges both Belgrade and Pristina to continue with the implementation, because the continuation of European integration will depend on it.

"The A/CSM will have no executive powers" (VoA)

The Association/Community of Serb municipalities will be formed soon and will have no executive powers; it will be an institution for the provision of services to citizens, said yesterday European Parliament rapporteur for Kosovo Ulrike Lunacek in Pristina. She also said that now Pristina should meet as soon as possible the three main conditions for visa abolition with regard to the European Commission's recommendation for visa liberalization for Kosovo.

Djuric: We are not interested in the decisions of the court in Pristina (TV Most)

Belgrade is not interested in the decisions of the constitutional court in Pristina, or it oblige us, nor we are interested, told RTS the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric. He points out that message of Serbia to all European officials is clear and that it does not accept unilateral changing of the agreement reached.

Pristina "cannot make the ZSO conditional on other agreements" (B92)

Pristina "cannot make the creation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) conditional."

This was announced by the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo, which added: "Especially not on telecommunications, the implementation of which has been hampered by Pristina's nonconstructive approach."

Previously, Edita Tahiri, who serves in the Kosovo government, said that the ZSO will not be set up before Kosovo receives a dial code.

Stojanovic: Pristina to take the responsibility and implement the agreed in Brussels (Blic, Novi Magazin, RTS)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanovic says that he expects much greater involvement of the international community in order to implement all the agreed from Brussels. Stojanovic was a guest in the show "Dogovor" (Agreement), broadcasted on the independent Serbian television network in Kosovo and B92 Info channel.

Braathu: The Serbian List has performed its duties and enabled a quorum (KoSSev)

Ambassador of Norway in Kosovo, Jan Braathu was a guest of the Free Serbian (Slobodno Srpski) where he said that in this situation all are losers, because Kosovo’s reputation was damaged.

"The efforts that have been made in the last 8 years, to try to build the image of Kosovo, which was more positive, I would say realistically positive, is very much damaged," said Braathu, when he was asked about violence in recent months.