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300 Kosovars at conflict zones, 50 killed (RTKLive)

The Ambassador of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Jean Claude Schlumberger said that participation of Kosovo citizens in ISIS is a signal that should be stopped quickly.

He said societies throughout the world are facing extremism and radicalism, therefore bridges should be built to fight these challenges among communities, institutions and states of the region.

Women’s property rights awareness campaign launched in Kosovo (Kosova Sot)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched a campaign to raise awareness on women property and inheritance rights. This campaign is being carried out following information instructions on access of women and men in wealth and property rights in all regions of Kosovo. The campaign includes TV and radio spots and will run for two weeks.“The aim is to make the general public, especially women, more aware of their rights to property, with focus on inheritance and joint marital property,” said Jean-Claude Schlumberger, head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

Serbian PM opens OSCE conference in Belgrade, warns about "Balkan powder keg" (B92, RTK2)

Aleksandar Vucic said at the opening of the OSCE Ministerial Council that the Balkans remains "a powder keg that needs only a spark to explode again."

"I must express my concern for the stability in the Balkans. Serbia is a stable country, but several crisis situation in the region are enough - in Macedonia, Montenegro, Pristina - for the whole region be set on fire again," said Prime Minister of Serbia on Thursday.

Combating corruption requires broad cooperation (Koha)

Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs, Skender Hyseni, today participated in the regional conference on combating corruption and capacity building of the Kosovo institutions in combating high level corruption, organized by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and supported by the German Federal Government. Hyseni said that the rule of law institutions are obliged to undertake all possible actions against corruption. "Corruption cannot be defined exclusively as a problem of a state, but it is a general problem.

OSCE conference tackles issue of child beggars in Kosovo (RTKLive)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, in co-operation with Kosovo Police and Terre des Hommes, hosted a conference today in Pristina on children’s rights, with a special focus on child beggars. The participants discussed the institutional co-operation on tackling the issue of child beggars and the protocol on police co-operation for preventing, restricting and combating trafficking in persons, primarily children.

OSCE launches campaign on legal rights (RTKLive)

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo today launched a campaign to inform the public about their legal rights and available mechanisms to exercise these rights. The purpose of the three-month campaign, which includes television spots and radio spots, posters and flyers, is to raise awareness of the public about basic legal rights such as the right to counsel, the right to free legal assistance, the right to legal representation, the right to use the language, and the right of access information.

A special court to deal with usurped property in Kosovo (TV Most)

Representatives of Serbs in Kosovo institution announced that they will seek the formation of a special court or a special court unit that would exclusively deal with the issue of usurped property in Kosovo.

Minister of Communities and Returns in the Kosovo Government Dalibor Jevtic told Tanjug that the support for such an idea he would try to obtain at the inter-ministerial group for the return of the displaced, but also from the Minister of Justice Hajredin Kuci and other representatives of the authorities in Pristina.

OSCE in Kosovo launches free helpline for journalists (RTK)

The OSCE mission in Kosovo launched an awareness campaign aimed at encouraging journalists to report cases of intimidation, threats or blackmail through a new free helpline set up by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo. The campaign, that will feature billboards across Kosovo in the Albanian, Serbian and Turkish languages, will run for one month with the objective of informing the journalist community of this helpline and using the information received to help law enforcement bodies take necessary action. “Recent years have been quite difficult for journalists in Kosovo.

OSCE trains Kosovo Police in seizing illegally gained assets (RTK)

OSCE, supported by the German Foreign Office, organised in Pristina a two-week training on freezing, seizing and confiscating illegally gained assets for Kosovo Police officials.  John Corrigan, Chief of the Organized Crime Section in the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, said that the need for this type of training was identified through meetings with senior Kosovo Police officials. Participants were able to review the legal framework for freezing and confiscating illegally gained assets and they also studied different fictional cases.