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Kostic calls on international community to react urgently (Tanjug)

MITROVICA - Vladeta Kostic, a Serbian MP from Kosovo-Metohija, called on the international community on Tuesday to take all measures necessary to prevent the spread of anti-Serb violence in the province.

"Due to the increasingly frequent incidents in Kosovo-Metohija, I call on Eulex. Kfor and Unmik officials to react urgently and take all measures necessary to prevent the spread of violence and find the vandals who have assumed the right to attack the property of returnees", Kostic said.

Remains of Serbs and Albanians exchanged (Tanjug)

Representatives of EULEX and the Serbian government's commission on missing persons have exchanged the remains of three Serbs and 12 ethnic Albanians, Veljko Odalovic, chairman of the Serbian commission, said on Tuesday.

The exchange of the remains was done at the Merdare administrative crossing between central Serbia and the province of Kosovo-Metohija on Monday, and Odalovic underscored that this was the first time that the victims of the 1999 conflict in Kosovo-Metohija were at the same time given and taken.

Diković: We will defend the country from terrorists (Vecernje Novosti)

The message of our Army is clear - Serbia will defend itself from terrorism. It should be known by all who seek to sow fear among our citizens and cause instability in any region of our state, said Serbian Army Chief of Staff, General Ljubisa Diković. After the recent assassination of the member of Gendarmerie in the security zone that has awakened fears of terrorism, the head of our army claims that citizens are not jeopardized.

Was the security increased along the administrative line with Kosovo? 

Islamic state "has arrived in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Graffiti reading the threat “the caliphate is coming” and signatures KLA, Albanian National Army and the Islamic state (ISIS) appeared on Sunday on the property of the monastery of Visoki Dečani. The Serbs who are living there and brotherhood of the monastery are upset, because lately more than 200 young Albanians from Kosovo joined the jihad in Iraq and Syria, and there are fears that the jihadists could organize terrorist attacks even in Kosovo.

KFOR commander talks with North Mitrovica mayor (Tanjug)

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - KFOR is playing a key role in establishing stability in northern Kosovo-Metohija, it was concluded on Tuesday in a meeting between the KFOR Commander, Major General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, and North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic.

The meeting in Kosovska Mitrovica dealt with the security and economic situation in northern Kosovo-Metohija, KFOR stated in a release.

As Rakic underscored, KFOR is an important actor that is playing a key role in establishing stability in this area and creating conditions for a secure and prosperous environment.

UN: Serbia regional leader in peacekeeping operations (Vesti online)

During the meeting with Defence Minister Bratislav Gasic, Head of the UN office in Belgrade, Peter Due, said that Serbia has become the regional leader in the active participation of the military in peacekeeping operations.

In the statement of the Ministry of Defence was said that the Minister Gašić and Head of the UN Office in Belgrade, spoke about the participation of the Serbian Army in multinational operations and the forthcoming regional meeting of countries whose forces are already in UN operations.

KFOR and EULEX should do their job (Vesti online)

Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojsa Stefanovic said that the invasion of Albanian timber thieves across the administrative border with Serbia and murder of Serbian member of Gendarmerie prove that KFOR and EULEX are not doing their job.

"We requested an urgent meeting, and I expect a response about the time of the meeting. The only thing we request from KFOR and EULEX is to fulfil their obligations under Kumanovo agreement and UN Resolution 1244, and that is to do their part of duties, in their part of the Ground safety zone," said Stefanovic.

KFOR:More patrols after murder of Serbian Gendarmerie member (Tanjug)

PRISTINA - KFOR Commander Major General Salvatore Farina said in Pristina on Monday that the number of patrols of that military mission and the Serbian Armed Forces in the ground security zone has been tripled since the killing of Serbian Gendarmerie member Stevan Sindjelic.

Sindjelic, 30, a member of the Serbian Gendarmerie from the Kraljevo detachment, was killed in the armed attack by several ethnic Albanians from Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) which took place on August 28, not far from the Merdare crossing at the administrative line between central Serbia and KiM.

Farina: Warriors outside the country, not only a Kosovo phenomenon (gazetaexpress)

 The outgoing Commander of the peacekeeping forces in Kosovo, General Salvatore Farina, said today during a press conference in Pristina that foreign warriors in Middle East, are not a phenomenon only in Kosovo, but in all western countries. During his last meeting with journalists from the position of the KFOR Commander, General Farina said that “this is a joint problem of democratic and developed countries.”

Minister wants "urgent meeting" with EULEX, KFOR (TV Pink, TV Most,B92)

BELGRADE -- Interior Minister Nebojša Stefanović says he has requested an urgent meeting with representatives of EULEX and KFOR after the killing of a Serbian policeman.

The officer, Stevan Sinđelić from MUP's Gendarmerie unit, died on Thursday after he was shot in the head by suspected Albanian timber thieves, in the Ground Safety Zone between Kosovo and central Serbia.