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Rexhepi: Parties should demonstrate maturity on 8 June (Epoka e Re)

The outgoing Minister of Interior, Bajram Rexhepi, stated in an interview for this daily that all parties are aware that holding free, fair and democratic elections, according to European standards, is in the nation’s interest, as assessment of the elections will have an impact on visa liberalization and European integration. “We have already made all the preparations for the early general elections.

There will be no delays in visa liberalization (Lajm)

The coordinator of the Kosovo government for visa liberalization, Besnik Vasolli, believes that the arrival of Eurosceptics in the European Parliament will not cause problems regarding visa liberalization. According to him, Kosovo has fulfilled all criteria from the guide for visa liberalization. “We don’t believe that the recent elections in the European Parliament will endanger visa liberalization, since it largely remains a technical process,” said Vasolli.


Serbia violates agreement, funds education system (Koha Ditore)

The Government of Serbia has allocated €33,000 to fund pre-elementary schools in ten Serb-inhabited municipalities in Kosovo, despite the international agreement signed by Pristina and Belgrade to dissolve Serb parallel structures in Kosovo. Government officials in Pristina said they had not been informed about this. They said they would complain to Brussels about Belgrade’s action.

Surroi: This government has run out of lies (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi said in an interview for KTV on Wednesday that another governing mandate for the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) would be suicide for Kosovo. “It would break the country’s back and it would prevent further development,” he said. Surroi argued that talks in Brussels were held in order to bring Serbia, and not Kosovo, closer to the European Union. “There can be no Stabilization and Association Agreement for Kosovo if the latter is not recognized by all EU member states.