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Mustafa: Special court not against KLA (Koha)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, said on Wednesday that special court will deal with individual cases and not with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). He said that the Law on special court soon will be processed in the government and in Parliament.  "By the end of this week or early next week we will proceed with the establishment of special court. It is a difficult process but helps to resolve the issues raised. The court is not directed against the KLA, but only against certain individuals,” said Mustafa.

Mustafa pledges: Thaci, the President of Kosovo in 2016 (Gazeta Blic)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, stated today that the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, is expected to become the President of Kosovo next year. Mustafa said during a press conference that the Democratic League of Kosovo will respect the agreement with the Democratic Party of Kosovo, adding that Thaci will become the President of Kosovo in 2016.

Time to act, Prime Minister! (Kosova Sot)

The paper on its front page editorial writes that Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, should act immediately to stop the organized crime and corruption, especially in the business sector in Kosovo. The editorial notes that the business sector in Kosovo is “drowned” in corruption. “This has pushed several companies towards full bankruptcy, which in normal circumstances would have been developed and opened new jobs, so, they would have helped in strengthening the economy of Kosovo,” writes the paper.

Thaci: Irregular migration numbers are manipulated (Lajmi)

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci criticized the opposition parties and other public factors, that they are trying substantiate their allegations against the agreements reached in Brussels. Thaci told Lajmi that the recent agreement reached in Brussels between Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Serbia Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, received the blessing of Parliament and other relevant institutions in Kosovo.

Mustafa: Visa liberalization in 2015 (Gazeta Blic)

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said that Kosovo will be granted visa liberalization regime during 2015. In a meeting of the steering committee on visa liberalization, Mustafa reaffirmed that the issue remains a priority for the government of Kosovo. “Among other things, this process also depends on our engagement and dynamics in implementing the remaining criteria regarding the negotiation and signing of repatriation agreements with certain countries,” said PM Mustafa.

Mustafa: Migration to be prevented by opening new jobs (Gazeta Blic)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, said on Friday that the issue of irregular migration should be prevented by opening new jobs. "Irregular migration is a painful reality and in this regard we need to take quick measures. We will work to open new jobs and improve the welfare of Kosovo citizens,” said Mustafa. During the meeting of the Steering Committee on visa liberalization, Mustafa announced that the government of Kosovo next week will approve the Governance Program, that will contribute on Kosovo’s economic development.

Mustafa meets U.S. Assistant Deputy Secretary, Hoyt Yee (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, met on Thursday with the United States Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, Hoyt Yee. During the meeting, Yee congratulated PM Mustafa and the government of Kosovo for the agreement reached in Brussels in the field of justice, expressing further support of the US for the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue to normalize relations between Kosovo and Serbia.  Mustafa and Yee also discussed the future priorities of the government and in particular the issues of corruption and organized crime.


Mustafa: The agreement proves extension of sovereignty in justice (Koha online)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, informed today his cabinet on the achievement of the agreement for justice in Brussels. Mustafa said during this meeting that the agreement proves extension of the sovereignty also in this field and that the agreement is an achievement which assures unified system of justice.

AAK requires transparency for the agreement reached in Brussels (RTKLive)

The chairmanship of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), issued a press release on Wednesday, saying it is essential that the Kosovo government provides transparency and accountability on the agreement on justice, reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels. “AAK expresses its concern about the rush to reach agreement on justice, which resulted in improvisation presented through special quotas and undermining the constitutional order of Kosovo.

Kosovo population drain challenges Germany's refugee policies (Deutsche Welle)

The number of Kosovars seeking asylum in the EU has drastically increased. It poses a challenge to recipient countries in the region, including Germany, and is on the agenda at Kosovo-Serbia talks in Brussels. Seven years after declaration of independence from Serbia, Kosovo is seeing a dramatic rise in the number of its citizens leaving to escape unemployment and poverty.