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Mustafa: We have reached a very important agreement (RTK)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, has described the agreement reached yesterday in Brussels between Pristina and Belgrade, as very important. “Today in the morning we concluded a very important agreement, which ensures the functioning of the judiciary in the entire territory of Kosovo. I thank the EU High Representative, Ms. Federica Mogherini and members of the delegation, Deputy Prime Minister Hashim Thaci, Minister of Justice Hajredin Kuci, Minister Edita Tahiri, Minister of European Integration Bekim Collaku, Mr. Blerim Shala and Mr.

U.S. ambassador welcomes the agreement on judiciary (Lajmi)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Tracey Ann Jacobson, congratulated the Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Isa Mustafa and Aleksandar Vucic, for the agreement on integration of the judiciary that was signed last night. “Congrats to Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia for accord on integration of justice. Look forward to full implementation of agreements,” wrote Jacobson on her Twitter account.

Agreement on judiciary reached in Brussels (Dailies)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa last night in Brussels signed an agreement on the judiciary.

"This agreement ensures the participation of Serb judges in the north of Kosovo," Vucic said after the meeting. The Serbian government said on its website that the agreement was initialed.

The trilateral meeting of EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini with delegations from Belgrade and Pristina was completed shortly after two o'clock in the morning.

Beqiri: PM Mustafa willing to report on Pristina-Belgrade talks (Lajmi)

The head of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Ismet Beqiri, said on Monday that the Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, is willing to immediately report on what would be discussed in Brussels, and it is ready to do this on Thursday, if this round of talks ends today. This, according to him, demonstrates the willingness of the government for transparency. Speaking about the dismissal of the Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic, Beqiri said that anyone who works to the detriment of Kosovo, has no place in Kosovo institutions.

KSF to help Albania after the floods (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo government on Thursday approved the decision to send a contingent of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) for humanitarian operation in Albania, the country which is facing floods after heavy rain in the past days. The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, has announced that there is a request to send a unit of KSF in Albania to help prevent damage from floods.

EU confirms 9 February talks (Koha)

European Union has confirmed that high-level dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade will resume on 9 February. A press release issued by the EU states that the EU High Representative Federica Mogherini will facilitate the meeting between Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa in Brussels. It also said: "This is the first high level meeting since after the appointment of the new government in Belgrade and the formation of the new government in Pristina.

Abrashi: Government believes in Serbian List’s constructiveness (Koha)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa has not yet received from the Serbian List a nominee for the post of Minister for Communities and Returns after dismissing Aleksandar Jablanovic two days ago. Kosovo government spokesperson Arban Abrashi said PM Mustafa is waiting for a proposal from the Serbian List and added that the government believes in the party’s constructiveness.

Set the Trojan Horse on Fire (Foreign Policy)

This is the winter of discontent in Kosovo. The lingering euphoria over independence in 2008 has given way to frustration with economic stagnation and political squabbling. Unemployment sits at 45 percent, and an estimated 500,000 of Kosovo’s 1.8 million citizens — the vast majority of whom are ethnic Albanians — live on less than $2 a day. On Jan. 24 and Jan. 27, some 15,000 Kosovars took to the streets to protest corruption and poverty.

The Movement of Socialists: Confidence of the Serbs in the dialogue is endangered (Blic)

Kosovo PM Isa Mustafa endangered the confidence of Serbs in the Brussels dialogue, by the decision to dismiss Minister of Communities and Returns Aleksandar Jablanović, was stated from the Movement of Socialists (PS). "According to the requirements of the Brussels Agreement, the real Serbian representatives should present the interests of the Serbs in Pristina’s institutions. Jablanović was doing exactly that. In Pristina, those efforts could not be forgiven to him, but the Serbs, regardless of the fact where they live, are grateful for that," reads the statement. 

Kosovo fires ethnic Serb minister to avert more violence (Reuters)

An ethnic Serb minister in Kosovo's government was fired on Tuesday to try to avert more violent protests over a remark he made last month that offended the Balkan country's ethnic Albanian majority.

Aleksandar Jablanovic, minister for communities, had branded as "savages" a group of Kosovo Albanians protesting against ethnic Serb pilgrims marking Orthodox Christmas in January.