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SNF asks Vučić to be a patron of the roundtable on the elections (KIM radio)

Members of the Serbian National Forum (SNF) asked the Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić to be a patron of the roundtable on the topic "Kosovo Serbs in the upcoming parliamentary elections - unity or discord."

In a letter to Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić, members of the Serbian National Forum state that Serbian corpus in the upcoming elections will be in a position to choose between three or four lists.

Government allocates €4.9 million for early elections (RTK)

The government of Kosovo allocated today €4.9 million for early elections. Outgoing Deputy Prime Minister, Hajredin Kuçi said that these means are required to organize 11 June elections.

“The Office of the Prime Minster has received a request from the Central Election Commission to allocate €4 million and 944 thousand and 900, required to organize 11 June elections. I believe that these means are necessary and I call on you to approve them,” Kuci said.

Vetevendosje refuses possibility of entering a coalition with LDK or PDK (Telegrafi)

Vetevendosje’s Aida Derguti said today after the meeting of the outgoing Assembly presidency that her party will not join any pre-election coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) or the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK). However, Derguti said Vetevendosje has no red lines towards a possible coalition with the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA).




Djuric: EU has lost authority over Pristina (Tanjug)

Marko Djuric, Director of the Office for Kosovo at the Serbian Government, said that Brussels is losing authority over Pristina.

Djuric expressed fear that elections in Kosovo would not only mean waste of time for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but they also represent continuance of the political radicalization.

Kosovo general elections on 11 June (

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, is expected to decree 11 June as the date for the national elections of Kosovo. reports based on its sources that Thaci is expected to issue the decree today, being that all political parties, excluding Vetevendosje agreed for 11 June to be the date of the new elections.

After the decree, officials of the Central Election Commission are expected to meet and decide on the dates of election campaign and deadlines for submission of the lists by the political parties.

Veseli hints at early elections by June (Lajmi)

Kosovo Assembly President and leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, is quoted as saying at a meeting with party membership in Drenas/Glogovac that early elections are a viable option if the border demarcation agreement is not ratified. According to sources present at the meeting, Veseli said early elections could take place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which this year begins end of May.

Mustafa: No decision for early elections (Klan Kosova)

Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, dismissed media reports that Kosovo is heading to early elections in a month’s time saying there is no decision for a coalition breakup between his Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Mustafa made the comments today at the inauguration of a project for expanding the existing Pristina-Veternik road.

The secret meeting made it clear that elections will be held in June (gazetametro)

It appears that early elections are a done deal, and that except for the opposition, the biggest party of Kosovo, PDK, also wants elections and that in coordination with President Hashim Thaci.

The motion of no confidence initiated by Fatmir Limaj’s party appears to be well-coordinated and all chances are that it will lead Kosovo toward early elections.

Janjić: Fight for positions ahead of snap elections (KIM radio)

Analyst Dušan Janjić assessed turmoil in the Serbian List as a continuation of the struggle for dominance, as well as for the policy that will be lead. He points out that MPs are aware of early parliamentary elections and given that the list is made up of several parties, which have its registration, as Serbian Liberal Party (SLS), the part of those who are in the SNS, SPS and the Socialists Movement finally have decided to register. According to Janjić this is a good sign because they continue to integrate into the Kosovo institutions.

Uproar among Serbs in Kosovo; Jablanović usurped Serbian List (Blic)

Today's edition of the daily newspaper Blic writes that the return of Aleksandar Jablanović at the head of the Serbian List has shocked and surprised most people in this political organization of Serbs in Kosovo.

- It is completely a unilateral decision of Jablanović, and we have learned about it, what is worse, from the media - said to Blic a source from the Serbian list. The article states that members of the Serbian List fear that Jablanović has performed the unexpected move in concert with the Pristina authorities.