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Firm deadline for the A/CSM (Vecernje Novosti)

Next round of the negotiation trio Mogherini-Vučić-Mustafa, set for 13 October, would be a working dinner, not a classical round of the dialogue carried out so far in Brussels. This will be an opportunity  for making it clear what would be the deadline for Pristina to establish the Association/Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM), considering that Kosovo politicians are making all possible efforts to ‘buy time’ and postpone its establishment for the next year.


Political elites ready for the agreement (Danas)

Blerim Shala, the Coordinator of the Pristina team for the Brussels negotiations with Belgrade and independent MP in the Kosovo Assembly said in an interview for Danas that negotiations were very difficult process and that there were a lot of problems with the inherited mentality and the transitions in both countries.

You are negotiator with the continuity of Rambouillet to Brussels. Is there a common thread for all previous negotiations?

Kosovo admitted to international energy transmission system (Koha)

Kosovo minister without portfolio Edita Tahiri issued a statement announcing that Kosovo has gained international recognition in the energy transmission system as a result of agreement reached between the Kosovo Electricity Transmission System and Market Operator (KOSTT) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO). Tahiri said the agreement makes Kosovo an independent regulatory authority in the field of energy transmission. She also noted that the KOSTT-ENTSO agreement was a result of the EU-facilitated dialogue with Belgrade.


Tahiri meets new EU Director for Balkans (RTKlive)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, met in Brussels with the new EU Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey, from the EU’s Foreign Service, Angelina Eichhrost, successor of Fernando Gentilini.

The intention of the meeting was assessment of the floe and results of the Brussels dialogue during the last period. They both agreed that significant achievements have been made, and that EU gave a major contribution by mediating the discussions between Pristina and Belgrade.

“Peace Park” barricade in Mitrovica to be removed on 15 October (

Removal of the “Peace Park” barricade on the main bridge over the River Iber which divides northern and southern Mitrovica, as well its making functional for free movement, is part of the agreement for the freedom of movement which was reached between Pristina and Belgrade in Brussels, mediated by the European Union.

Tahiri: It is EU’s turn to reward Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said that Kosovo has proved seriousness in the dialogue with Serbia and implementation of the agreements.

According to her, it is now the turn of the European Union  to reward Kosovo and to sign without delay the Stabilization Association Agreement and to make the decision on visa liberalization.

She made these comments during a meeting with the Swedish Ambassador for Kosovo, Albania and FYROM, Mats Staffansson.

 Opposition throws eggs at Isa Mustafa (Klan Kosova)

Some opposition MPs threw eggs at Prime Minister Isa Mustafa as he was reporting to the Kosovo Assembly on the signing of the latest agreements reached with Serbia in Brussels.

Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, interrupted the session for a ten minute break. Prior to the incident, Mustafa was speaking about the signing procedures of the agreements reached in Brussels.

Selimi: Mustafa has two options (Klan Kosova)

Deputy from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi, said for RTV Dukagjini, that Prime Minister Mustafa has only two options: resignation or withdrawal of the signature from the latest agreements reached in Brussels, including the one for the Association of the municipalities with Serb majority and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

Selimi further added that it depends exclusively on the Prime Minister Mustafa if there are going to be protests or not.