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Drecun for Politika: There are witnesses, they should be protected (Serbian media)

KiM Assembly Committee Chairman Milovan Drecun said there is new evidence against Ramus Haradinaj for crimes he has not been tried for, reports Serbian media, quoting daily Politika.

Drecun said this to Belgrade based daily Politika and added that Serbian authorities had found a way to speak with the Hague prosecutor, even though it was part of ''the unrecognized Kosovo judiciary''.

"We have put in place a mechanism to avoid any interpretation of recognizing self-proclaimed Kosovo through cooperation with the prosecution," Drecun said.

KFOR for Politika: We deploy troops as part of regular training; no indication of humanitarian crisis (Serbian media)

According to KFOR, there is no danger of a humanitarian crisis in northern Kosovo, and unfortunately such rhetoric does not help normalization of the people's lives, says KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso for today's edition of Belgrade based daily Politika.

On Tuesday evening, KFOR helicopters were flying over to Mitrovica, Zvecan and part of the Zubin Potok. People were afraid. Tell me, please, what was it about, and what was the reason for the flight?

Russian Ambassador: Russia has not and will not trade with Kosovo issue (Beta, N1, Politika)

There never was nor will there ever be any trade with the Kosovo issue when Russia is concerned, Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Chepurin said adding that the UN's Resolution 1244 remains the only basis for a political solution to the Kosovo issue.

KFOR spokesman says ROSU intervened after shots fired at police (Politika, B92, N1, Tanjug)

KFOR spokesman Colonel Vincenzo Grasso told Belgrade daily Politika that the Kosovo police special unit ROSU intervened after shots were fired at police officers in the north of Kosovo.

“Shots were fired at the regular police after the road to Zubin Potok was blocked and a police officer was wounded. Opening fire at the police and obstructing their operations is against the law. The intervention by the Kosovo police special unit was just a reaction to that violent behaviour,” Grasso said.

Daily Politika: Macron in Serbia right after Bastille day (Beta, N1)

Belgrade based daily Politika reports on Wednesday that French President Emmanuel Macron would visit Serbia on July 15-16, a day after the French national holiday.

The fact that Macron will pay a two-day visit shows a desire by official Paris to confirm and continue strengthening the good relations between France and Serbia, the pro-government daily said, adding that this includes trade which stands at around one billion Euros a year.

Stoltenberg: The bombing was not taken lightly, but it was legitimate and necessary (Politika, Beta, N1)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Belgrade based daily Politika that peace and stability in Kosovo has been a priority for this alliance for past 20 years and that the UN mandate for the NATO peacekeeping mission remains unchanged.

Vucic's Kosovo plan at the special Assembly session (Politika, N1)

Today's edition of Belgrade's daily Politika writes about the upcoming Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's meeting with representatives of the Serbian List as well as the leaders of all Serbian institutions in Kosovo. The meeting was announced for Friday and will discuss further steps.

As stated by the Director of the KiM Office, Marko Djuric "all subsequent steps will be withdrawn in agreement with the elected representatives of the Serbian people, the representatives of the institutions of Serbia".

EU Integration Minister: Brussels Agreement left 'stuck in the mud' (N1, Beta, Politika)

The Brussels Agreement on the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina is left "stuck in the mud" because of the bad messages and tariffs imposed by Pristina, said Serbia’s European Integrations Minister Jadranka Joksimovic said on Sunday.

Spasojevic and Rasic ended hunger strike; Serbian List seeks release pending trial (Radio Mitrovica Sever, Politika, Kontakt plus radio, KIM radio)

The two detained Serbs from Mitrovica, suspected of being connected with the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, ended a two-week hunger strike.

According to Belgrade based daily Politika, Nedeljko Spasojević (42) and Marko Rosic (25) decided to stop the strike due to their exhaustion and were receiving intravenous infusion.

Rada Trajkovic sought protection from Serbian MIA (RTS, Politika)

The president of the European Movement of Serbs from Kosovo, Rada Trajkovic to receive police protection, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

Rada Trajkovic told Belgrade based daily Politika that she contacted the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) because she felt that her and the safety of her family was endangered, reports RTS.