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Lazarevic: Verbal attacks drew a target on Ivanovic's forehead (N1)

The editor of KoSSev portal from northern Mitrovica, Tanja Lazarevic, told TV N1 in a Show Pressing that she does not want to politicize the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, nor to speculate on who could stand behind this act, but points out that northern Mitrovica has become a dangerous place for life in the last four years and that the SDP leader was subjected to terrible verbal attacks.

"After many years, Council on Foreign Relations lists Balkans as problem" (B92, Tanjug, N1)

US expert on the Balkans Daniel Serwer has commented on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) once again listing the Balkans as a stability problem.

Serwer spoke for the N1 broadcaster in Bosnia-Herzegovina, after the US NGO published its "Preventive Priorities Survey 2017."

Serwer said that he did not think the document should make people in the Balkans "more afraid than they already are."

"Serbia does not want unification with RS" - Vucic's cabinet (B92, Danas, N1)

Serbia does not want to unify with the Republika Srpska (RS), the Belgrade-based daily Danas says was told by President Aleksandar Vucic's cabinet.

Vucic's cabinet said this when asked about RS President Milorad Dodik's map, drawn during his interview for DW, which showed his vision of the map of the Western Balkans.

In it, the Serb entity in Bosnia-Herzegovina joins Serbia, together with the north of a partitioned Kosovo.

Dodik: If Serbia accepted the separation of Kosovo and we would be separated (DW, RTS, Blic, N1, Dnevnik, TV Most)

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik said that the policy of preserving territorial integrity, represented by Serbia, is an obstacle to the separation of Republika Srpska.

"If Serbia, in that moment, has said that it was OK, when Kosovo seceded, we would have been already separated," Dodik said in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

If Belgrade decides to recognize Kosovo's independence, Dodik says, he would not object, but it would mean that the Republika Srpska could be independent.

Belgrade lessons to Kosovo Serbs (RFE, Blic, N1)

The decision of the Serbian List to freeze relations with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci is absurd, destructive and ordered from Belgrade, according to Thaci's Cabinet, Radio Free Europe (RFE) reports.

The Serbian list has decided to freeze every communication with the president of Kosovo, because it has determined that his policy, as far as the position of the Serbs in Kosovo is concerned, is "anti-constitutional, unlawful and at the expense of the Serbian people."

B92: Text of statement given by Serb judges in Kosovo (Serbian media)

Member of the Kosovo Assembly Korab Sejdiu has published the text of a statement recently made before President Hashim Thaci by Serb judges and prosecutors.

N1 first reported that Sejdiu received the signed statements from the Presidency of Kosovo, after filing an official request.

Dacic: Suriname withdraws Kosovo's recognition (N1)

The South American State of Suriname has withdrawn recognition of Kosovo's independence, said Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, N1 reports.

"After lengthy work and many conversations, I was informed by the Foreign Minister of Surinam last night, and during the night came the note, that the Government of Surinam made a decision to withdraw the decision on recognition of Kosovo," Dačić told a press conference.

Recall, Suriname recognized Kosovo in July 2016.

Janjic: Internal dialogue - Vucic's shot in his own leg (N1)

Director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations Dusan Janjic said, visiting the N1 show ''Dan Uzivo'', that the commitment of Serbia in the future - to go to the EU or against the EU - is more important than the Kosovo issue. This, he says, implies the recognition of reality, which does not mean recognition of independence, but means accepting Kosovo in the UN without the opposition of Serbia.

Ivanovic: Government to settle elections in Belgrade as the Kosovo's ones (N1, NIN)

The leader of the Civic Initiatives SDP Oliver Ivanovic said that in the local elections in Kosovo, Serbian authorities put everything on one card, and that Mitrovica was a symbol and a recipe for resolving local elections in Belgrade.

Erdoğan compared Kosovo with Northern Iraq (N1)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said today in Ankara that representatives of the Regional Kurdish Administration in northern Iraq do not know what politics is, or how a state becomes, reports N1.

Erdoğan addressed today in the presidential palace in Ankara on the occasion of the start of the new academic year and on that occasion he also referred to the yesterday's unconstitutional referendum in northern Iraq, and reminded that yesterday's referendum was supported only by Israel.