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Ban continues to act in line with UNSC Resolution 1244 (Dailies)


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will continue to act in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, while the matters of UNESCO membership are decided by UNESCO’s General Conference, Eri Kaneko of the Office of the Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General told Tanjug on Tuesday.

Kaneko confirmed that Ban had received a letter from Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic regarding Kosovo’s efforts to become a UNESCO member.

Dacic:Kosovo's bid to join UNESCO is distortion of agreement (Tanjug,Kurir)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said Sunday that Serbia will do everything in its power to keep Kosovo from becoming a member of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Dacic told the Belgrade-based daily Kurir that Kosovo's bid to join UNESCO is a distortion of the latest agreement reached by Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels.

"Pristina gambled away status of Brussels’ favorite" (Tanjug, B92)

Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric says Belgrade continues activities in normalizing relations with Pristina.

This is the case "although there are plenty of problems in the implementation of what had been the agreed in the Brussels dialogue," he said on Tuesday.

In an interview with Tanjug, Djuric said that he would travel to Brussels on Wednesday to take part in meetings on the implementation of the deals reached.

Pavicevic: I don’t believe that incidents are coincidence (Tanjug, Most)

Belgrade’s liaison officer with Pristina Dejan Pavićević said today in Zočište near Orahovac/Rahovec that he doesn’t believe that latest incidents in Kosovo and Metohija are coincidence.

Pavicevic visited the Monastery of Saint Healers in Zočište on the occasion of Saints Kozma and Damjan’s Day and stated that incidents are more frequent lately, particularly in Goraždevac, which he visited today, too.


Radosavljević: Serbs in Metohija frightened due to incidents (Tanjug)

The head of the Peć district (Republic of Serbia’s administration) Vinka Radosavljević stated that Serbs in Metohija are frightened following the latest incidents, which took place in that part of the province and that poor security situation influences the process of return of displaced persons.

Radosavljević said to Tanjug that Serbs are frightened and that not even 10 days can pass without an incident in Metohija region and voiced expectations that those in charge for providing safety and security will start dealing with these problems.


Gov't adopts Strategy for Resolving Problems of Refugees (Tanjug)

The Serbian government adopted on Friday the Strategy for Resolving the Problems of Refugees and the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Serbia by 2020, aimed at securing conditions for the return of refugees and facilitating the local integration of those who decided to live in Serbia.

As the Serbian government's media relations office said in a release, the strategy also envisages the provision of better living conditions for IDPs.

Over 300,000 refugees obtained Serbia's citizenship and personal documents from 1991 to this day.


Threatening graffiti in Gorazdevac (Tanjug)

Graffiti in the Albanian language “Hakmarrja” meaning “Revenge” has appeared on a private building in Gorazdevac.

The building is located in the vicinity of the village church and cemetery, so the locals doubt that it was daubed on the same night between Wednesday and Thursday, when the monuments to the children murdered at the Bistrica River and the NATO bombing victims were damaged and fire was opened on a car owned by Ivan Kolasinac, said Darko Dimitrijevic, reporter of Radio Gorazdevac.

This is the third incident in Gorazdevac in the last 48 hours.


Serbian-Albanian relations key to regional stabilization (KIM radio, Tanjug)

Improving Serbia-Albania relations is a key to a stable Western Balkans, said the participants of the panel discussion “Future(s) of Security Normalization among Belgrade-Pristina-Tirana” held on Thursday.

Significant progress has been made in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and in the Belgrade-Tirana relations over the past three years, the participants concluded.

Research has shown that citizens in all three societies support the dialogue, said Sonja Stojanovic Gajic, Director of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy.

Serbs facing problems with regard to repossession of usurped properties (Vesti,Tanjug)

Kosovo Serbs are faced with problems when it comes to repossession of their properties, even in case when a court rules in their favor. Example of Slavica Djordjevic from Prizren shows that she is not allowed to enter her house unless she pays EUR 19.500 for the expenses a court proceeding that lasted for 15 years.
