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Strache: Serbia must not be blackmailed with Kosovo! (Vesti)

The leader of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), Heinz-Christian Strache, has urged the international community to strongly condemn the events in FYROM and said that, given the growing Albanian extremism, the Kosovo issue should not be linked to the continuation of Serbia's path towards the EU.

How do you assess the current situation in FYROM, and armed conflict in Kumanovo? 


Policemen of Serbian nationality to guard Serbs in Klina/Kline (Vesti)

A Serbian patrol, members of the Kosovo police, was deployed from Tuesday in the municipality of Kline/Klina, in addition to regular patrols.

The decision of the Kosovo Police Service to deploy Serb police officers to the area of Kline/Klina has come after a series of attacks on mainly elderly Serbs and returnees in villages Drsnik, Klinavac and in urban part of Kline/Klina.


Anxiety in northern Kosovo (Vesti)

While citizens in the region follow with anxiety assessments of various analysts that events in Macedonia could easily ‘spill over’, Belgrade reinforces the presence of gendarmerie  in Presevo, Pristina is sending special units ROSU on the border with Macedonia, but in Tirana hundreds of young are protesting in solidarity with Albanians in Kumanovo with the message “Kumanovo you are not alone”.


Serbian part of Trepca arranged export: Lead ore for the Brits and zinc for the Poles (Vesti)

Part of the Trepca mine controlled by the northern Kosovo Serbs will earn this year more than 24 million through export of lead-zinc concentrate, which is excavated in mines Belo Brdo and Crnac.

From the sale of lead concentrate, which will be exported to the company Meneko International Limited in London, Serbs in northern Kosovo will earn 18 million and 650,000 euros.  Management of Trepca in Zvecan expects additional 5.5 million euro from the export of zinc concentrate to a well-known company from Beloslava in Poland.


Flags of "Greater Albania" flown in central Pristina (Vesti, Tanjug)

The Pristina authorities and some foreign ambassadors have welcomed the peaceful protests of three ethnic Albanian opposition parties that want the establishment of the community of Serb municipalities banned, but turned a blind eye on the fact that the rally was held under flags of a "Greater Albania", Vesti reported on Monday.

Also, there was no reaction when the governments of Kosovo and Albania recently held a joint session under the suggestive motto of "One country, one nation, one dream."