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Gašić: Army will not be the topic of the dialogue (Danas)

Formation of Kosovo's army will not be the topic of this round of Brussels dialogue, said Bratislav Gašić, Defence minister of Serbia, commenting on the recent announcements of the Kosovo officials. He said that such statements are for internal political use and that Serbia is serious country, which abide to all signed agreements and obligations including the UNSC Resolution 1244, in which everything is clearly defined. 

The issue of Kosovo is not démodé (Danas)

Belgrade - The Kosovo issue is topical, although in the Serbian media and in society is carried out marginalization, demonization, astigmatism, and the criminalization of Kosovo theme. This is corroborated by the fact that the main expectations of the West from the Belgrade are concerning the issue of Kosovo, and that all other topics are "out", it was said yesterday in the debate "Whether Belgrade and Serbs from Kosovo speak the same language", which was organized in Belgrade Media Centre by the Serbian national forum of Gracanica.


Petrit Selimi: Kosovo will request war reparations (Danas)

“There are no doubts that Hague Tribuna'sl ruling in case of ‘Milutinovic and others’, and range of other war crime rulings rendered by courts of different levels, along with some parts of the counter lawsuits of Croatia and Serbia, offer a solid basis for Kosovo to request war reparations from Serbia,” said Deputy Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Petrit Selimi, while clarifying his yesterday’s message on Twitter account, that future lawsuit of Kosovo stands the best chances to be accepted by the International Court of Justice in Hague.


Mihajlovic: First in Tirana, and then in Pristina (Danas)

Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure  in the Government of Serbia, Zorana Mihajlovic confirmed that she will participate in the regional meeting of Ministers, together with Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, on 25 March in Pristina. "I will participate as a Minister of Transport, and the topic will be infrastructure connection across the region," said Mihajlovic. 

Judiciary is still controversial (Danas)

Considering the fact that the opening of the first chapter in the negotiations between Serbia and the EU depends on the implementation of the Brussels Agreement, we asked officials from the Office for KIM for the list of the agreements, which Serbia has implemented so far. 

The Brussels Agreement was signed in April 2013 by the then Prime Ministers of Serbia and Kosovo, Ivica Dacic and Hashim Thaci. On 22 May, both PMs agreed in Brussels about the plan for implementation of the agreement on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. 

Vucic has no time to meet Nikolic over Kosovo platform (Danas)

According to Danas’ source close to the Serbian Government, due to obligations and planned visits it is not likely that the Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will find time to hear a solution for Kosovo, before his trip to Brussels on 9 February, which has been prepared far from the eyes of the public by the President of Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic.


Serbia will not react to a request for Jablanovic dismissal (Danas)

Serbia will not respond to the request of Kosovo's opposition to dismiss the Minister of Returns and Communities, Aleksandra Jablanovic, because the Serbian list was not talking with the opposition movement Self-determination, but with parties with whom is in the government, it is the position of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija regarding Jablanovic dismissal.

Dacic end of March in Pristina (Danas)

Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the economy from the region, in the framework of the Berlin Process, will be held in Pristina, last week of March, Danas has learned from sources in Pristina. Then, according to our source, is expected the first visit of the Head of the Serbian Diplomacy, Ivica Dacic to Kosovo, and the Economy Minister Zeljko Sertic. The meeting, like the previous two in Berlin and Belgrade, will be organized by the Gymnich formula, i.e. without the display of national symbols.