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EULEX filed the request for an Interpol arrest warrant (Danas)

Chairman of the Board of the Serbian Assembly for control of the security services, the former security officer of the Yugoslav Army and member of SNS Momir Stojanovic with 16 other citizens of Gjakova/Djakovica was found on an Interpol "red" arrest warrant on suspicion that in 1999 in Kosovo he has committed crimes against civilians. The EU mission in Pristina yesterday confirmed unofficial claims of the state officials in Belgrade that the request for an arrest warrant was filed by EULEX.

Selakovic: We will facilitate the position of Serbs in Kosovo (Danas)

The recent agreement between Belgrade and Pristina on the judiciary shall be implemented in accordance with the First Agreement on normalization of relations, in the legal framework of Kosovo. The question, before whom the Serbian judges would take an oath, remained without answer. Belgrade is now working on it and that no Serb judges cannot be appointed without the consent of the Serbian side, said yesterday the Minister of Justice Nikola Selakovic, responding to questions from members of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija of the Serbian Parliament.


Jahjaga to sign decrees on the appointment of Serbian judges (Danas)

The Government of Serbia adopted yesterday report on the agreement on the judiciary, which Belgrade and Pristina initialled in Brussels earlier this week. The Government of Serbia unofficially announces that the Serbian officials would talk with employees in the Serbian judiciary in northern Kosovo on the implementation of the agreement, which provides their integration into Kosovo's judicial and legal system.

Stricter controls for Serbian passport (Danas)

Serbia will strengthen the control of requests for the Serbian passports, particularly of those people who are trying to reach foreign countries with Serbian passports, learned Danas in the Government of Serbia. As said, Serbia probably will not issue the passport to all Albanians from Kosovo who request it. As explained, the reason for this is that if the Albanians would massively leave the country with the Serbian passports might be compromised visa liberalization of Serbia.

Kosovo not to be a condition for the opening of the first chapter (Danas)

The upper house of Germany’s parliament, the Bundesrat, called for an early opening of the first chapter in the negotiations on Serbia's membership in the EU without direct conditionality with the process progress in resolving the issue of Kosovo, according to a document in which Danas had access to.

Serbia cannot give asylum to its own citizens (Danas)

Rados Djurovic, executive director of the Centre for the protection and assistance of the asylum seekers, explained that the stay of people from Kosovo is regulated by the decree of the Serbian government from 2011. “On the basis of this regulation Kosovo citizens who do not have Serbian documents when crossing the administrative line receive a certificate that allows them to stay in the territory of Serbia 15 days. Therefore, people who move through Serbia towards the EU are not here irregularly.

Kosovo greatest challenge - army cheif (Danas,B92)

The most important political and security challenge for Serbia is the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Ljubisa Dikovic has said.

The Serbian Army (VS) chief told the Belgrade-based Danas newspaper that Serbia is, at the moment, not under military threat.

"The greatest security threats are ethnic and religious extremism, international networks of organized crime and illegal migration of people motivated by economic, political and security problems. Another risk is the participation of citizens of Balkan states in armed conflicts in the Middle East," Dikovic said.