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Joksimovic: Serbia will not additionally burden the Brussels process (Danas)

"Serbia will not further burden the Brussels-based dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," estimated Jadranka Joksimovic, Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration, responding to the question whether the announced Kosovo genocide lawsuit affect the talks on the normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo.  She specified that "Brussels dialogue is not an easy process," and that it should not be additionally burdened. "We will not do it," said Jadranka Joksimovic.

Kosovo interested in the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (Danas)

New roads would connect highways in five states into the Balkan ring, specifies interlocutor of Danas

Kosovo is interested in the construction of the Adriatic-Ionian highway because it connects the recently completed Tirana - Pristina road with the new road corridor. It's good for Kosovo, but is also good for its neighbours, says Petrit Selimi to Danas, Deputy Head of the Kosovo diplomacy, commenting on the proposal of the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama to engage Kosovo and FYROM in the aforementioned regional strategy through accelerated procedure.

In Gracanica consultation, the decision in Brussels (Danas)

Although the Government of Serbia has announced the last week's joint emergency meeting of all 10 Serbian municipalities in Kosovo's local government system as ''the start of the creation of political unity and institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, whose formalization will be considered later", the Serbian mayors now are announcing that "the initiative for the establishment of Community of Serbian municipalities (ZSO) is raised to a higher political level."

Kosovo is the main topic (Danas)

“Status quo concerning the Brussels Agreement postpones the opening of the first negotiating chapters in the accession negotiations between Serbia and the EU. I believe that the visit to Belgrade and Pristina will contribute to faster solving of the existing problems. I do not believe that Federica Mogerini have a concrete answer to the question that mostly interest our public - when the negotiations will be opened,” said Sena Maric, a researcher of the Centre for European Policy, concerning the announced Mogherini’s visit to Belgrade. 

Bring back Serbs into the Kosovo institutions (KoSSev, Danas)

EP member and Vice-President of the Socialist & Democrats group, Tanja Fajon, voiced the opinion that the opening of the first chapters in the Serbia's negotiations with the EU should occur as soon as possible.

"And in the resolution of the European Parliament on the progress of Serbia, we invited the European Commission to immediately start the negotiations," she told Danas newspapers on the eve of today's vote on the final version of the resolution on Serbia's progress in European integration.

Shuttle diplomacy before a new round of negotiations (Danas)

EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini should visit, end of March, Belgrade and Pristina, circles close to the Serbian government unofficially confirmed to Danas.

The source says that it is about a shuttle diplomacy of the EU which, among other things, will determine the date and theme of a new round of dialogue in Brussels between the premieres of Serbia and Kosovo, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa. In Brussels yesterday, was not possible to officially confirm this information.

Edita Tahiri: Serbia has to recognize Kosovo before entering the EU (Danas)

In line with Kosovo laws and the Brussels Agreement, Association of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo will have neither executive nor monitoring jurisdiction, instead it will have a coordination and advisory role. Serbian side knows this as of the moment of signing the Brussels agreement. I am following the debate between officials in Serbia – I advise them to stay away from illusions and think about what was agreed in Brussels.