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Dacic on “good cop, bad cop” in Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said he respects the fact the US is exerting pressure on Pristina to revoke tariffs on the goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tanjug news agency reports.

However, he does not believe the US would succeed in making Pristina to do so.

Dacic told Voice of America that Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci play different roles in negotiations on Kosovo and it us unclear “who is whose cop”.

Odalovic: It is natural to discuss about Kosovo at UN SC (Tanjug, B92)

State Secretary in the Serbian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Veljko Odalovic said the UN Security Council is a natural place for the talks on Kosovo and Metohija.

He added, Serbia would insist to reach an agreement on mandatory periodical reporting on the situation in Kosovo. Odalovic also noted the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is not good and it is in the interest of SC member-states and other UN members to discuss about that.

"4 countries against Kosovo debate at UN Security Council" (Tanjug, B92)

It is still uncertain whether the United Nations Security Council session on February 7 will discuss Kosovo.

The US, the UK, Germany, and Poland, have been fiercely opposing the intention to put the regular quarterly report of the UN Secretary-General on Kosovo on the agenda of the session, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday.

Vulin and Chepurin on security situation and cooperation (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin met with the Russian Federation Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Chepurin and discussed the current security situation as well as advancement of cooperation in the field of security, RTS reports.

Minister Vulin thanked the Russian Federation for the full support to Serbia’s efforts to point out to the illegal establishment of the so-called Kosovo army at the UN SC session, and request to disarm this illegal, armed formation in Kosovo and Metohija.

Big three to be solving Kosovo issue, EU out? (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

The request of President Vucic made at Monday's session of the UN Security Council dedicated to Kosovo would bring the UN back to the negotiating table. Belgrade daily Vecernje Novosti writes this on Wednesday.

Namely, during the meeting of the Council, Vucic requested a greater future role of the UN in the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. The newspaper recalled that in the past, there had been demands for the process to return under the umbrella of this international body.

President Vucic: Fear for future (B92, Serbian Government)

According to the text of his address at the Council published by the Serbian Government, Aleksandar Vucic said that he was worried and afraid for the future not only of the Serb people and Serbia, but the entire region.

Vucic warned about Pristina's efforts to impose legal and political violence, economic pressure and unilateral moves, such as imposing taxes and forming the so-called Kosovo army, creating a new situation on the ground and extorting recognition from Serbia.

Stefanovic: Good diplomatic victory of Serbia (Prva TV, B92)

Serbian Minister of Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic speaking for Prva TV news edition said that Serbia has won a good diplomatic victory at the UN SC session yesterday evening.

“It was a good diplomatic victory of Serbia. Serbia did all as it should, it was good to see the world started to realize there is no solution to the Kosovo issue without Serbia. It was also noticeable that different tones could be heard,” Stefanovic added.

We've shown them what they've created - Serbian President (VoA, Serbian Government, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic has told Voice of America (VOA) that he was pleased with the results of Monday's UN Security Council session. The session was called to discuss Pristina's decision to start forming an army in Kosovo - a move Serbia strongly opposes.

The Serbian president told VOA that Serbia has "informed everyone about the situation in Kosovo."

In his address, he informed the Security Council that Serbia fulfilled all the obligations from the Brussels Agreement, while, as he said, "Pristina did not fulfill anything."

"ZSO, one of central points" (B92, Tanjug)

UNMIK Head and Special Representative of the Secretary General, Zahir Tanin stated before the UN Security Council on Wednesday that, although one should not overlook the progress that has been made in the talks since 2013, the key to progress on the ground is the implementation of what had been agreed, with the founding of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) being one of the central points, Tanjug news agency reported.

Minister Dacic at the UN Security Council meeting devoted to the work of UNMIK (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia)

Statement by First Deputy Prime Minister/Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic at the meeting of the Security Council of the United Nations which discussed the report of the Secretary General of the United Nations on the work of UNMIK.

Full statement can be read at: