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Djuric: On Tuesday, discussions about the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities (RTS, KIM radio, TV Most)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said on Sunday in the RTS1 News in the evening that finally in Brussels, after a year and a half, will be discussed the Association/Community of Serbian municipalities.

Djuric said last night that the Serbian delegation will also include representatives of Serbs from Kosovo.

Speaking of the platform for Kosovo, written by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, Djuric stated that there were no discussions yet and added that he would let the President and the Prime Minister to inform the public about it.

OSCE flag taken off in Rahovec/Orahovac and abandoned houses stoned (KIM radio)

A group of Albanian youth has taken off, on two occasions, the OSCE flag from their office in the Serbian part of Rahovec/Orahovac.

The flag was first removed in the night between Thursday and Friday. One of their employees reported to the Police and the Regional office of the OSCE in Prizren.

After Police investigation, and the set-up of a new flag, a group of Albanians on Friday, about 15 hours, again took the flag down and threw stones when passing an abandoned Serbian houses, said remaining Serbs in Rahovec/Orahovac to KIM radio .


Prizren: Opening of atrium and Cultural centre (KIM radio)

Renewed atrium and Cultural Centre which will promote, support and organize literature, painting, film and other artistic activities of Prizren will be open on Thursday, on Ascension Day, in the Church of St. Saviour in Prizren.

The reconstruction was performed by the Fresco Gallery of the National Museum in Belgrade, and helped by the Association of friends of the Monastery of the Holy Archangels near Prizren and the Association for Assistance to IDPs "Sveti Spas".

"To achieve consensus for Brdjane" (KIM radio, TV Most, Tanjug)

Kosovo Minister of Local Self-Government Ljubomir Maric and Minister for Returns Dalibor Jevtic conferred with representatives of the Brdjani neighbourhood in Mitrovica and backed the beginning of talks between Serbs and ethnic Albanians aimed at reaching an agreement on the return of displaced persons and establishment of trust.

Homes of returnees burglarized in village Bica near Klina/Kline (KIM radio)

The unidentified perpetrators have broken into returnees' houses last night, two houses and a shelter for accommodation of returnees in Bica, near Klina, said member of the municipality of Klina/Kline, Stojan Doncic and BETA agency reported.

He said that in one nurse lives in a house, but that last night she slept in the house of his family, while the other house and home for temporary accommodation of returnees were empty at the time of burglary.

Special court important for all communities (KIM Radio)

MP from the Serbian List Jasmina Živković voiced her expectation that Kosovo parliament will adopt the law on special court, and stressed that it is about process which is important for entire Kosovo.

“I expect that 81 MP will vote for the establishment of the special court,” said Živković, and added that nothing is yet sure since there is no official confirmation about the session.

Kosovo institutions do not care about justice (KIM radio)

"Kosovo institutions once again showed that they do not care about law and justice, but continue to do injustice by “switching the same argument”," was said in the statement of the Association of Djakovica/Gjakove citizens, in regards to the filed indictment against Aleksandar Jablanović.

Association of Djakovica citizens pointed out that this indictment and the indictment against 20 Serbs from this city presents continuation of the campaign against the return of Serbs to their homes.

Attackers threw stones at primary school in Lipljan/Lipjan (KIM radio, TV Most, NMagazin, Tanjug)

Unidentified persons threw stones at the Braca Aksic elementary school in Lipljan/Lipjan, central Kosovo, and while nobody was injured, the school was left with a broken glass.

The school is located in a majority ethnic Albanian area and is the only school in which there are no classes on Mondays due to market day, and the incident occurred in the night between Sunday and Monday.

The case has been reported to the Kosovo police, who have launched an investigation into the incident.