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Serbia is ready - but it's not up to us, says President Vucic (B92, Tanjug)

Serbian President met on Monday afternoon with EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini in Berlin.

Vucic told Mogherini that Serbia was ready to, "as soon as tomorrow" to continue the dialogue, if Pristina lifted their taxes on Serbian products.

"Whether that will happen is not in our hands," Vucic told reporters in Berlin.

He pointed out to Mogherini that it was about European values, and that the taxes were unsustainable.

"Great powers focused on Western Balkans" (B92, Kurier)

"Great" powers want to deal with the Western Balkans now, according to a South East Europe expert from the University of Graz.

"Both German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron, who have not always been united in their policy towards the Balkans, now want to be on same side of the rope and put under control the failed EU negotiations," Bieber said on the occasion of the upcoming conference in Berlin.

Serbian and Russian presidents meet in Beijing (B92, Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met on Friday in Beijing with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The two leaders are in China for the Belt and Road forum.

According to announcements coming from both sides before the meeting, the main topic was Kosovo.

At the start of their conversation, Putin said he was satisfied with economic cooperation between Russia and Serbia, and that he was glad he could discuss bilateral and regional issues with Vucic.

Georgia thanked for backing Serbia's territorial integrity (B92,

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic was on a bilateral visit to Georgia on Wednesday, where he met with Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani.

Dacic emphasized the importance of good and friendly relations between the two countries and its people, expressing satisfaction with successful cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, the government announced.

20 years since NATO attacked Serbian broadcaster, killing 16 (B92)

20 years will have passed at 02:06 hours CET on April 23 since NATO airstrikes targeting Serbia's public broadcaster, RTS, that killed 16 employees.

This was the first case of a media outlet being declared a legitimate military goal.

The attacks came as part of NATO's 78-day war against Serbia waged in the spring of 1999.

Human Rights Watch said a year later, in 2000, that there was no justification for the bombing of the broadcaster.

B92: ''Albanians returned eight buses transporting Serbs from the south of Kosovo to a rally in Belgrade'' (Tanjug)

Eight buses with Serbs from three Kosovo South municipalities, who were going to Belgrade for the "Future of Serbia" rally, were returned from the administrative crossing Konculj.

The president of the temporary authority of the municipality of Vitina, Srdjan Nikolic, said that refusing to allow these buses to pass was justified by the fact that the drivers did not have ''adequate administration for the buses owned by the Albanians''.

"Region has not made good use of CEFTA" (Tanjug, B92)

The region has not made good use of CEFTA, aimed at making the Western Balkans a single economy and preparing the market for the EU, says Mirsad Jasarspahic.

Political decisions such as (Pristina's) introduction of taxes are among the reasons for this, the vice president of the Chamber of Economy of the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (one of the two entities in Bosnia-Herzegovina) has said.

What is the double sovereignty? Dacic explains (RTS, B92, Beta)

Ivica Dacic said that it is expected that at the upcoming meeting in Berlin, probably would be additional pressure on Belgrade and Pristina to continue the dialogue.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia told Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) that Pristina must abolish the tariffs for this to happen.

"There are additional pressures on Serbia in order to appease Pristina to suspend the tariffs, " Dacic said.

Albanian media made up "dual sovereignty" story – president Vucic (B92, Tanjug)

President Aleksandar Vucic says Serbia has been offered nothing resembling "dual sovereignty" over the north of Kosovo.

Therefore, nothing of the kind will happen in Berlin, Vucic told a news conference on Thursday. The meeting will take place at the end of April, dedicated to Kosovo and organized by Germany and France.

"Shared sovereignty is always something that is a problematic legal category, while the so-called dual sovereignty - I don't know what that means. But nobody told me that, nobody offered us that, and something like that will not happen in Berlin," he said.

Serbs from Kosovo reach Belgrade on foot ahead of rally (B92, Tanjug)

President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday received a group of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, who last Friday departed from northern Kosovo.

They will tomorrow attend a rally in the capital, organized as part of Vucic's "Future of Serbia" campaign.

Vucic received the group in the Presidency, where they came carrying a banner they took with them throughout the trip, reading, "Serbs from KiM (Kosovo and Metohija), for Serbia and Vucic"."