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"It's time for France, too, to withdraw Kosovo recognition" (B92, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

13 countries have reversed their decision to recognize unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo, so why wouldn't France the same, asks Alexis Troude.

The French historian is one of the petitioners urging Paris to withdraw its recognition of Kosovo, and is also announcing the launch of this initiative in the French parliament.

Survey: What citizens of Serbia think about the solution to the Kosovo issue (Blic, B92, TV Most)

The latest survey of the Belgrade based agency Faktor Plus, in cooperation with daily Blic, shows that the citizens of Serbia are not optimistic about the solution of the Kosovo problem, they do not expect Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to sign the recognition of Kosovo, and most of them think that the problem will not be resolved soon

Western Balkan leaders ask for "full integration into EU" (B92, Tanjug)

Western Balkans leaders have signed a declaration urging the EU to make its enlargement to the Western Balkans "a matter of geopolitical significance."

The leaders, gathered at the two-day Brdo-Brijuni Summit in Tirana, signed the declaration on Thursday, the Slovenian agency STA reported.
"The EU should keep in mind that the full integration of the Western Balkans into the European value system is an important a factor as the stability of Europe in general," the declaration said.

Veseli: Serbia will be responsible for all victims (B92, RTK2)

Belgrade based portal B92 reports, quoting Radio Television of Kosovo in Serbian language (RTK2), that the president of the Kosovo Assembly, Kadri Veseli claimed that on Monday formally started formation of an international tribunal for crimes committed by Serbia in Kosovo.

The portal reports that Veseli at the same time threatened with arrest of "cowards that are now free in Serbia".

Vucic: My Kosovo solution idea failed; that will cost us dearly (B92, Blic, N1, Tanjug)

President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday he regretted that his idea of establishing a final compromise boundary between Serbs and Albanians has failed.

As he said, the idea failed because "our people thought differently, and that will cost us dearly in two to three decades."

Vucic: Safe future of our children requires friends (B92, Kurir, Tanjug)

It is important to become a part of the EU, but what's more important is to survive and secure a safe future for our children, and for this we need friends.

President Aleksandar Vucic wrote this in an op-ed published by the Belgrade based daily Kurir.

"No new letter by Albanians from south of Serbia, it's old news" (Tanjug, B92)

Belgrade based news agency Tanjug reports that Ragmi Mustafa confirmed that Bujanovac mayor Shaip Kamberi, member of the Serbian National Assembly Fatmir Hasani and he did not send a new letter, with an initiative to join the finale of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, to Federica Mogherini and Hashim Thaci.

"Balkan Exodus": Six million people have left region (B92, RTS)

EBRD analyses show that during migrations, highly qualified personnel rather than those with average knowledge and skills leave regional countries.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) President Suma Chakrabarti told RTS that migration of skilled workers has a negative effect on productivity, and that negative growth effects can also lead to the departure of low-skilled labor.

Merkel and Macron "must first mediate in Pristina" (The New York Times, B92, Blic)

The New York Times writes that German Chancellor Merkel and French President Macron should first mediate between Thaci and Haradinaj.

The daily says that Merkel and Macron are to have "any hope of easing tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and breaking a deadlock in talks on the normalization of relations" - then "analysts say they may first have to broker another peace, between Kosovo's two lead

"No progress, no failure; new talks in Paris in July" (Beta, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic says he does not think there was "any failure" at Monday's meeting in Berlin - adding that it's better to talk than not to talk.

Responding to question from journalists after the summit ended in Berlin, Vucic said that Angela Merkel's and Emmanuel Macron's engagement was very important and showed their determination to preserve peace in the Western Balkans, as by that they also preserve peace in Europe.