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Vucic spoke with Mustafa about cooperation and Serbs in Kosovo (Blic)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic spoke by phone last night with the Prime Minister of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina, Isa Mustafa, about the future cooperation between Belgrade and Pristina and the position of Serbs in Kosovo, Tanjug learned.

Vucic and Mustafa agreed that through dialogue all problems should be solved, and that after establishing direct contact, in the future, they communicate directly about any potential problems.

Belgrade for cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce in Pristina (Vesti)

Serbia in the region offers the best conditions for investors. I am proud of the fact that Serbia is today politically and economically stable country despite economic crisis.

This said the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, addressing businessmen from Austria and Serbia in the Business Forum Serbia in Vienna 2015. He recalled that Serbia is "pillar of stability in the whole region."

He reiterated that the Serbian government is working on creating a climate conducive to attracting investors, because there is not enough of its own capital to make a positive growth.

Vucic: European path depends on dialogue with Kosovo Albanians (RTK2)

European future of Serbia depends on how successful we will be in negotiations with Pristina in Brussels, and those are the most difficult talks, said Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Vucic said that government is doing everything it can in order to progress on the European path and opening of chapters in negotiations with the EU, but that most important thing with that regard is the dialogue with Kosovo Albanians.

Vucic: Wise policy in Kosovo (Blic)

Vucic said that the State of Serbia and the Serbian people in Kosovo should lead "wisest and most responsible policy" in order not to repeat the suffering of 17 March 2004.

“17 March, violence and destruction of religious sites must never repeat again,” said Vucic on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the mass attacks on Kosovo Serbs. During the attacks were killed 19 people, 35 churches and monasteries were destroyed, and several thousand Serbs fled Kosovo.


"The condition of the Serbian list is community of Serbian municipalities" (Blic, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

A condition for the return of Serb representatives to the Kosovo institutions is the formation of a Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo.

The Belgrade-based daily, Vecernje Novosti further writes that this will be "one of the main conclusions" of the upcoming joint session of all Serb municipalities in Kosovo.

Another daily, Blic, writes that Serbian officials will once again ask Pristina to fulfil its part of the obligations stemming from the Brussels agreement during the next negotiating round at the EU seat.

Tony Blair advising Serbian government 16 years after bombing of Belgrade (The Guardian)

Tony Blair has added Serbia to the list of countries he is paid to advise, despite his role as the chief proponent of the bombing of Belgrade in 1999. Blair will counsel the Serbian prime minister, Aleksandar Vucic, who was information minister during the war and was once such an outspoken critic of the British politician that he was listed as an editor of a book titled English Gay Fart Tony Blair.

Thaci: Irregular migration numbers are manipulated (Lajmi)

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci criticized the opposition parties and other public factors, that they are trying substantiate their allegations against the agreements reached in Brussels. Thaci told Lajmi that the recent agreement reached in Brussels between Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Serbia Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, received the blessing of Parliament and other relevant institutions in Kosovo.

Vucic on immigrants from Kosovo: Let Brussels decide what it wants from Serbia (Blic)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said today that Serbia will do everything it takes in connection to waves of immigrants from Kosovo, when he receives from Brussels a clear position on this issue - to stop freedom of movement or not.

That was also discussed during a visit to Brussels, he said.

- I told them: You told us to let them go, we let them go, and you're saying now do not let them. We have no problem, we'll do what you want, just tell us what you want - the prime minister said.

U.S. ambassador welcomes the agreement on judiciary (Lajmi)

The United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Tracey Ann Jacobson, congratulated the Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia, Isa Mustafa and Aleksandar Vucic, for the agreement on integration of the judiciary that was signed last night. “Congrats to Prime Ministers of Kosovo and Serbia for accord on integration of justice. Look forward to full implementation of agreements,” wrote Jacobson on her Twitter account.