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Seselj: First A/CSM and then the dialogue can continue (TV Most)

"It is pointless to continue the negotiations in Brussels on Kosovo and Metohija until certain conditions are met. First, the Serbian delegation must not give up on requirements related to Association / Community of Serb municipalities (A/CSM)," said President of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj.

Nikolić: I would insist on Chapter 35 (TV Most)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said that he believes that Serbia should primarily insist on Chapter 35 relating to Kosovo and on receiving an advance copy of the legally binding agreement text. "We should get the text so as to immediately be able to decide whether we want to go forward with it or not" said Nikolic for TV Pink.

However, even the constant opening of chapters with Brussels is good for Serbia, because it means introducing Serbia to the order of modern states, he added.

Simic: I believe that the court will fix the mistake (TV Most)

President of the Serbian list Slavko Simic says that the ruling made by the Basic Court in Mitrovica in Oliver Ivanovic's case is political and he hopes that the judges will correct this mistake with the appeal.

Simic says that it is absolutely clear to everyone that the judgment is based on principles other than law and justice, and that it is a political verdict that sends a very negative message to the Serbs.

Message behind the verdict: no rights or justice for Serbs (TV Most)

The verdict of the case of leader of the CI SDP, Oliver Ivanovic, clearly sends a message to all people in Kosovo that democratic rights and justice when it comes to the Serbian people do not exist, said president of the Serbian List, Slavko Simic today. "It is obvious that law and democracy in Kosovo are managed by politics, and the case led against Ivanovic is proof of this," said Simic in a written statement to the media.

Djuric: Serbia appalled, to reconsider resuming dialogue (TV Most)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said today that Serbia is appalled by the verdict of Oliver Ivanovic's case and that in such an atmosphere, continuing the dialogue with Pristina should be seriously considered. "My personal opinion is that Pristina and the international community needs to provide Serbia with additional assurance that the dialogue makes sense. For me personally it seems that in this atmosphere, there is not a lot to talk about and it all comes down to the humiliation of Serbia," Djuric told reporters.

Djuric heads Belgrade delegation in Brussels (TV Most)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric will lead the Belgrade delegation in the in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina which will be held from 18 to 20 January in Brussels. During this round of talks which will be held at the expert level will be discussed the establishment of Association / Community of Serb municipalities, telecommunications, freedom of movement, university diplomas and other open issues.

Maric at a conference on municipal revenues (TV Most)

Kosovo Minister of Local Government administration Ljubomir Maric and USAID official in Kosovo Randall Olson will participate in the conference dedicated to the analysis of revenues in the municipalities in Kosovo. The aim of this conference is to present a document which contains the insight into the analysis of trends of revenue collection in municipalities in Kosovo in the period from 2010 to 2014, including the possibility of improving this process.