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"Pristina's reaction unacceptable, no desire to find killer" (B92, TV Prva)

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic says the reaction of Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj was "completely unacceptable."

As previously reported by Prva TV, Pristina definitely refused Belgrade's cooperation in the investigation into the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

Stefanovic said on Thursday afternoon that the reaction of Haradinaj and of the minister of justice of the Pristina institutions was "completely unacceptable."

Djuric: Some people are trying to escape responsibility for 17 years (TV Prva, Insajder)

Some people are trying to escape from responsibility for 17 years, says Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric on the occasion of the attempt to abolish the KLA Special War Crimes Court.
"War crime does not become obsolete, they can try to buy another month, another year, but sooner or later the truth will appear about what happened," Djuric told Belgrade based TV Prva.

Vucic calls meeting to discuss "early elections, big powers" (B92, TV Prva)

Serbian President and leader of the ruling SNS Aleksandar Vucic will on November 1 meet with his closest associates, it has been confirmed.

The meeting will discuss whether to hold early parliamentary elections in Serbia, simultaneously with regular local elections in Belgrade.

"Relations with big powers" will be another topic on the agenda, Vucic's close associates confirmed for TV Prva late on Thursday.

Serbia respects the uniqueness of Kosovo, but not independence (TV Most)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said that Serbia respects the uniqueness of Kosovo since it is negotiating with the authorities in Pristina, but does not recognize Kosovo's independence. "In front of me is the Constitution. I know that President of Serbia is elected in Kosovo, but competences of Serbia do not extend to the whole territory of Kosovo. Serbia has recognized unique position in which Kosovo is.