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Merkel praised Serbia's economic progress in front of all WB Summit participants (B92)

2019 Western Balkans Summit within the Berlin Process is taking place in Poznan, Poland, B92 reports. The summit is attended by large number of participants, heads of governments, foreign ministers, EU representatives and members of the civil sector from the Western Balkans region.

German Chancellor Merkel had paid great attention to the economic reforms conducted in the Western Balkans states. According to B92 in her keynote address, Chancellor Merkel had singled out and praised Serbia's economic progress.

Serbian PM Ana Brnabic condemns threats against journalist Zana Cimili (TV N1, BETA)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic condemned the threats TV N1 Kosovo correspondent Zana Cimili received on social networks in Serbian, saying they were heinous and impermissible, TV N1 reported.

Cimili received severe menace on social networks against her and her family’s physical integrity, BETA news agency reported late on Thursday.

Prosecutors say they start investigation into threats to N1 reporter (Beta, N1)

Serbia’s Public Prosecutors’ Office told N1 that the Special Prosecutors for Hi-Tech crime launched a probe into the threats to N1 Kosovo correspondent Zana Cimili.

Cimili received severe menace on social networks against her and her family’s physical integrity, the Beta news agency reported late on Thursday.

Media: The man mentioned by Vucic trained in the CIA headquarters (Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug, B92)

"I cannot speculate whether Florim Ejupi was involved in Oliver Ivanovic's murder, but I can say that he was selected and trained in some of CIA headquarters," Novosti daily said it got this information from a Swedish judge Christer Karphammar, who was in charge of the investigation on the bomb attack on the Nis Express bus near Podujevo, back in 2001. He added that this was known at times when Ejupi was arrested in 2001.

Drecun: Pristina did not opt for peaceful resolution of problems (RTS)

Ban on Serbian officials to enter Kosovo is yet another in a series of unilateral acts by which Pristina wishes to escalate the crisis created by imposing 100 percent tariffs on Serbian goods, Chairman of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told RTS. He added such acts would unfortunately continue.

Srpska Lista reacts to Pristina’s entry ban (Tanjug, RTS)

Srpska Lista reacting to Pristina’s decision to ban entry to all Serbian officials in Kosovo and Metohija urged “the international community not to remain deaf and blind to the Pristina’s anti-Serbian attitude,” RTS reports.

Srpska Lista added this decision “represents a continuation of the mad actions of Pristina against Serbian people,” and that “unfortunately as per rule there is no reaction by the international community and its representatives in Pristina.”

Analyst: Request to return Kosovo issue to UN the only appropriate reaction to Pristina’s ban (Danas, BETA)

Analyst Cvjetin Milivojevic assessed today the request to return Kosovo issue to the United Nations would be the only appropriate reaction of Serbia to Pristina’s decision to ban entry to all Serbian officials, Danas daily reports.

“Only this way Serbia could react as a serious state. Any other way would indicate that Serbian officials have neither idea nor solution to the Kosovo issue,” Milojevic told BETA news agency.

Dacic on joint Pristina-Tirana foreign policy agreement (Tanjug, B92, Sputnik)

Pristina can not conduct its foreign policy independently because Kosovo and Metohija are integral part of Serbia, Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said, Tanjug news agency reported. He made these remarks commenting on Pristina-Tirana joint foreign policy agreement.

“Fiasco that so-called foreign policy of Pristina faces on a daily basis, starting from retraction of recognition by 13 states to rejection of membership in Interpol and other important world organizations obviously creates strong nervousness within their ranks,” Dacic told Sputnik portal.

“Agreement of Pristina and Tirana is not naive, scandalous there is no reaction of US and EU” (Tanjug, B92, TV Pink)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said the agreement on common foreign policy of Pristina and Tirana and joint embassies is not naive. She added it is scandalous that there is no reaction of the US or the EU regarding that, Tanjug news agency reported.

“It is terrible that Pristina and Tirana have signed an agreement to have a common foreign policy now. This is not naive; this is rather serious. The scandal is that we have not seen yet any official reactions either by US or the EU,” Brnabic told TV Pink.

“Meeting with Eliot could be counterproductive” (Danas)

Meeting of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with US Congressman Eliot Engel would not have major significance in resolving the Kosovo issue, given that Engel is an active Albanian lobbyist in Washington, diplomats told Danas daily.

Danas daily interlocutors went on saying that this meeting could even be “counterproductive” for Serbia’s position in continuation of negotiations on Kosovo because Engel “strongly opposes the policy of US President Donald Trump.”