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Bishop of Backa Irinej: People cannot break Kosovo’s oath (Novosti, KIM Radio)

“The outcome of the so-called internal dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija would be as its current flow – multiplied voices, and the state leadership must seriously take into account the stance of the majority of Serbs, Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop of Backa Irinej said, emphasising he does not believe the Serbian people would let down its identity formed in Kosovo, KIM Radio reported.

Fatherland: It is lie Serbs have returned to Kosovo during Vucic’s time, they are massively departing (KoSSev portal)

During his visit to Moscow, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic while talking to the Russian journalists “said the number of untruths” and “two are noticeable” an opposition Fatherland (Otadzbina) Movement said, KoSSev portal reported.

The first one is that “during his authority Serbs have returned to Kosovo and Metohija.” Not only that the Serbs have not returned, but even those who have stayed are massively departing, Fatherland Movement further said.

Jeremic: Solution for Kosovo would not speed up Serbia’s road toward EU (N1)

The crucial states of the European Union do not have political readiness to accept Western Balkans states in the EU, said participants at the discussion “Global Winds of Change and Consequences on the Western Balkans,” organized by the Centre for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD), N1 reported today.

One more citizen from Kosovo killed in Syria (Kallxo, KoSSev portal)

One more citizen from Kosovo was killed in Syria, KoSSev portal reports today referring to the Pristina based

The person is from the village Palabarda, near Djakovica.

According to members of his family are informed about his death last night.

However, the circumstances of this murder are not clear. It is not known when he went to Syria and if he was a member of some extremist organizations active there, KoSSev further reports.

Dozens of citizens from Kosovo were killed in Syria.

Two Kosovo men plead guilty of plotting to attack Israeli soccer team (Reuters)

Two Kosovo men pleaded guilty on Wednesday to planning attacks at a World Cup soccer match in Albania against the visiting Israel team last year.

Kosovo police arrested 19 people in November 2016 on suspicion that they had links with the Islamic State militant group and were planning attacks in Kosovo and neighboring Albania. Nine of them were charged.

"Serbs are small but proud nation, and value Russia highly" (B92)

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday thanked his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic for their constructive talks that took place in Moscow.

Addressing a joint news conference, Putin said that the conversation went in a friendly atmosphere, and that the talks were substantial.

As he pointed out, the two countries are striving to develop their interstate cooperation, and in this context, he mentioned the marking of the 180th anniversary of the establishment of Russia-Serbia diplomatic relations.

Serbs in Kosovo to get driving licences without passing test again (RTS)

Responsible bodies in Pristina, allowed inhabitants in Kosovo to obtain driving licences without passing the test again, in case they possess Serbian driving licences issued until 2016, Kosovo Deputy Minister of Interior, Milan Radojevic told RTS.

Radojevic also termed the decision as very important for Serbs in Kosovo, as their freedom of movement is directly linked with personal documents they have.

Foreign fighters from Kosovo "mostly young and unemployed" (Slobodno srpski, B92)

UNDP representative in Kosovo Andrew Russell has been a guest on the Slobodno Srpski talk show, produced by the New Press and Media Center in Caglavica.

He spoke with host Budimir Nincic about UNDP's recent report about citizens of Kosovo who joined extremist groups in Syria, to say that no such cases had been recorded in the past two years.

Russell recalled that 335 citizens of Kosovo, mostly young and unemployed, went to Syria between 2012 and 2015.

It's no state, it can't join - Dacic on Kosovo's CoE bid (BETA, B92)

Kosovo will submit a request for membership in the Council of Europe (CoE) "during this month, at the latest in January," Beta news agency reported.

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Enver Hoxhaj announced this.

Citing the website Lajmi, the agency reported that Hoxhaj said that if the request were submitted now, Kosovo could join the CoE "within two years."

He added that during that period, this institution "will mainly be chaired by countries that recognized Kosovo's independence."