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Two persons arrested over illegal transplantation and organ trade in Pristina (Radio kontakt plus)

Kosovo police said today it arrested two persons in Pristina under suspicion of committing a criminal act of illegal transplantation, organs and human cells trade, Radio kontakt plus reports.

The suspects are male of Turkish nationality, and a female citizen of Albania, the police report said. As per prosecutor’s order the arrested were released, and the case goes in regular procedure. The case was recorded yesterday around 15:40, Radio kontakt plus said.

Dacic to attend conference on promotion of religious freedom in Washington (Serbian Government, media)

At the invitation of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic will represent Serbia at the Ministerial Conference on the Promotion of Religious Freedom, which will take place on 17-18 July in Washington, Serbian Government announced on its website.

Red carpet for departure as well: Au revoir, Macron (B92)

French President Emmanuel Macron ended his two-day visit to Serbia and was accompanied to "Nikola Tesla" Airport by the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The good-bye greeting of the two leaders was sincere, as was the welcome of the high guest from Paris, B92 reports.

Vucic escorted Macron to the plane with red carpet and lined Serbian Army Guard. The fact that Serbian President had in person escorted his French counterpart speaks in itself of the significance of this visit and the good talks conducted in Belgrade.

Vucic: Next Paris (meeting) most probably in September (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today the next meeting between Belgrade and Pristina, organized by the French President Emmanuel Macron would most probably take place in September, Tanjug news agency reports.

“I believe that some sort of continuation of Berlin, Paris respectively, would take place in September,” Vucic told journalists, after he and his French counterpart met young people from the region.

Dacic: Macron’s emphasises on need for compromise – change in France’s policy (RTS)

Could the meeting between French and Serbian presidents mark a new beginning in the relations between two countries, Serbian national broadcaster RTS wonders today. It also said how realistic Macron’s wish is to reach a compromise on the Kosovo issue in the next couple of months?

Analysts: Macron does not represent France only; his visit has wider significance (RTS)

French President Emmanuel Macron has great ambitions regarding the role of EU and thinks the EU can resolve Kosovo issue on its own, along with Belgrade and Pristina, RTS reported.

This was said on the RTS special broadcast dedicated to the visit of President Macron to Serbia. Sonja Liht from the Fund of Political Excellence said a major step ahead was made in terms of bilateral relations. She added this step ahead should also be seen in a wider context, given that Macron mentioned Germany several times.

Vukadinovic: Tacit statement of Macron regarding Kosovo (Danas)

No Serbian daily news press reported on the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron who said that Serbia and Kosovo are European states and we need to help it become reality, and the state leadership did not react to it as well, Serbian Assembly independent MP Djordje Vukadinovic said, Danas daily reports.

"Euronews" reports on Macron's Belgrade visit (Tanjug, B92)

In its Belgrade report on the visit of President Macron, "Euronews" underlines his promise to relaunch Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. After meeting his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, Macron said he would invite delegations from Serbia and Kosovo to Paris, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, "Euronews" reports.

"We are seeing rising tension and sometimes these tensions are fueled here and there by external powers that have an interest in making sure no deal is found," Macron said, as "Euronews" carries.

Dacic on Pristina’s Interpol bid – It will face same as last year (Tanjug, B92, Kurir)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister commented on new Kosovo attempt to join Interpol by saying that Pristina would face the same as last year, Tanjug news agency reported.

“As a matter of fact, they would face the same. They would lose again,” Dacic told Kurir.

The Interpol General Assembly session takes place this year in Chile. B92 recalled that Chile does not recognize Kosovo, nor it recognizes Kosovo passports.