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Bajrami: Demarcation will not pass (Indeksonline)

Representatives of opposition parties in Kosovo are adamant that the current version of the border demarcation with Montenegro will not pass and they also claim that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa is well aware of this. Valdete Bajrami, head of the NISMA parliamentary group, told the news website: “If he [Prime Minister Mustafa] tries to bring back the agreement we will reiterate our position against it. Our position is known and the people know that the agreement is damaging and unacceptable for Kosovo. He withdrew the agreement from the Assembly in September, rendering it impossible for the Assembly to vote in favour or against the agreement”. Bajrami also said: “we want to have demarcation with Montenegro and all neighbouring countries. But if Mustafa will try to bring back the current version of the agreement, it will not pass”.