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Bajrami: Demarcation will not pass (Indeksonline)

Representatives of opposition parties in Kosovo are adamant that the current version of the border demarcation with Montenegro will not pass and they also claim that Prime Minister Isa Mustafa is well aware of this. Valdete Bajrami, head of the NISMA parliamentary group, told the news website: “If he [Prime Minister Mustafa] tries to bring back the agreement we will reiterate our position against it. Our position is known and the people know that the agreement is damaging and unacceptable for Kosovo.

University diplomas verified for 131 students from Mitrovica north (Koha)

Kosovo’s Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Arsim Bajrami, presented the students of Mitrovica University 131 diplomas verified by his ministry enabling them to be equal competitors in the Kosovo labour market and abroad. The verification process was carried out by a commission appointed by the government of Kosovo and co-funded by the European Union and the Norwegian Embassy in Pristina. Minister Bajrami said this even shows the commitment of Kosovo institutions to promoting an affirmative and inclusive approach to all communities.

Bajrami: Brussels didn't make effort to clarify things (N1, FoNet)

In Pristina there are more perspectives on the current policy of the Government of Serbia, but the common is "huge suspicion that something essential has changed," says the Chief Editor of the daily Koha Ditore, Agron Bajrami.

In an interview with the FoNet agency, Bajrami explains that there is a belief in Pristina that the Serbian government has continuity in policy towards Kosovo as well as the governments before, because it refuses to recognize Kosovo's independence.

Kosovo government opposes strike of education staff (RTK)

The Kosovo government said today that it opposes what it called “an unreasonable strike” organized by the Education Union and called on the teachers to resume their classes. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said the government has gone beyond the budgetary limits to meet the demands of the teachers. “There is no reason to stop classes. Schools are there to provide education for the children, and not for someone to get paid without holding their classes. We all need to act responsibly. The teaching staff and the organizers of the strike need to act responsibly.

University of Pristina to decide on demands of the war veterans (Indeksonline)

Kosovo Minister of Education, Arsim Bajrami said today that Kosovo Government will respect the autonomy of University of Pristina (UP) to find a solution for the demand of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) war veterans for automatic admission of 1000 students who are children of war veterans. Bajrami said that he will meet with representatives of both parties, and urges them to find a solution as soon as possible, in conformity with applicable laws and agreements.

Haliti: PDK will again run with Arsim Bajrami (Gazeta Blic)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) MP Xhavit Haliti said the chairperson of the Kosovo Assembly, Flora Brovina, interrupted today’s session based on the decision of the Constitutional Court. Haliti said the PDK would again run with Arsim Bajrami as candidate for the post of Assembly President. “There is no reason to seek the opinion of the Constitutional Court again. We will not change our candidate. I believe political leaders can speed up the establishment of institutions if they manage to find a formula that would be acceptable for all,” Haliti said.

PDK candidate for Assembly President fails to get enough votes (Kosovapress)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) candidate for Assembly President, Arsim Bajrami, did not get enough votes in today’s constitutive session. 44 MPs voted in favor of Bajrami, 61 voted against and 11 MPs abstained from voting. Assembly chairperson Flora Brovina said she needs to interrupt the session and said she would inform MPs in writing about the date of the next assembly session.