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Kurti: Parliamentary commission to consider Brussels agreements (Vranjske,RTK)

The candidate for Prime Minister from the Vetevendosje movement, Albin Kurti, told Serbian weekly “Vranjske” that if he becomes the new Prime Minister of Kosovo, he would propose creation of a parliamentary commission which would consider the Brussels agreements reached between Pristina and Belgrade. Kurti said that an internal dialogue in Kosovo and in Serbia is required and added that he is not against reconciliation. He said that in principal, Vetevendosje movement is not against the dialogue, but it is against the dialogue which transforms Kosovo into a subject while Serbia dictates the agenda.

“Vetevendosje proposes an open, democratic and social dialogue with minorities, including Kosovo Serbs. The dialogue with Kosovo Serbs would be a priority,” Kurti said.

Asked if he would discuss with Serbia’s President, Aleksandar Vucic, Kurti said that Vucic reminds him of his student days, when he organized protests against Slobodan Milosevic’s regime, while Vucic was minister for information and held press conferences in front of Grand Hotel in Pristina, where Arkan’s paramilitaries were based.

“It is possible that he appears different to Brussels, but not to Pristina. Vucic and Dacic are Milosevic’s and Seselj’s successors. I do not see any difference on their goals. I only see differences on strategies and methods, being that circumstances are different,” Kurti said.  According to him, Vucic is not worried about Serbs, but only about his power. “Long-term peace and stability in Balkans depend on changes, which should take place in Serbia, but this is not happening yet,” Kurti said.