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Displaced in Brezovica without electricity (KIM Radio)

Collective shelters in Brezovica, which accommodate around a hundred of displaced Serbs from Uroševac/Ferizaj and Prizren are left without electricity supply as of Friday, due to a debt amounting to EUR 2000.

Displaced persons in ‘Junior’ and two other collective shelters at Brezovica used to be compensated for electricity consumption up to 330 kWh by the Refugee Commissariat , whereas every individual consumer is due to cover eventual electricity consumption over that limit. According to the displaced, electricity is not paid due to a high bills which are calculated by higher industrial tariff as of November.

“It is very difficult. We don’t have a basic conditions, we can’t prepare the lunch, children can’t play…We’ll wait few more days, if nothing happens, they should provide us with a transportation and accommodation in Serbia,” said displaced person from Uroševac/Ferizaj Milan Janjic, and added that all relevant institutions are informed about the situation and reasons for the power-cut, which is not taking place for the first time.
