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Sava Janjic: Delimitation would be ethnic cleansing (FoNet, Danas, RTK2)

Abbot Sava Janjic wrote on his Facebook account that by accepting the agreement on the delimitation of Serbs and Albanians, Europe would accept the idea of ethnic cleansing as a legitimate solution.

"Acceptance of ethnic partition between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo by territorial division and forcing 70.000 Serbs south of the partition line to an imminent exodus and leaving their holy sites in peril would mean that EU accepts the idea of an agreed ethnic cleansing as a legitimate solution.

''This would be a dangerous precedent with unforeseeable consequences which would inevitably encourage replication of such a model throughout the continent. EU member states are before a critical historical responsibility if this scenario is politically supported. This will bring us back to the tragic years of the ex-Yu wars in the 90ies.''

In his second post on FB, Janjic asked ''Do EU and US support such scenario and the return onto the madness of 90ies?'', posting photos of ''ethnic cleansing in the 90ies: Krajina, Srebrenica, Kosovo (Albanian exodus) and Kosovo (Serb exodus in summer 1999).