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Municipality in Serbia to suspend activities with US embassy (TV Most)

Municipality of Gornji Milanovac in Serbia proper has suspended all activities with the US embassy in connection with the celebration of the anniversary of the mission "Halyard", due to the recent statement by Ambassador Kyle Scott on Kosovo, said Dejan Kovacevic, the president of the municipality told portal (the voice of western Serbia), reports TV Most.

He noted that they expect Ambassador Scott's apology to the state of Serbia and its citizens because, as he pointed out, no one can demolish institutions of the state of Serbia and the constitutional order, nor to the American ambassador in Serbia.

Kovacevic reminded that every year the anniversary of the Halyard mission is celebrated in the municipality of Gornji Milanovac. The mission is known for the rescue of more than 500 US pilots in 1944 from Galovic Fields in Pranjani, reports this portal.